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Translation request to Bahasa Indonesia

Translation request to Bahasa Indonesia


I am Yatalu, the founder of the Hvetshran Wiki in all (fifteen) languages. I made an Indonesian Wiki because a friend of mine told me he would help me out translating. However, I have not seen him online much since and it bothers me a bit that I cannot provide any information about the topic to possible Indonesian readers.

For this reason, I was wondering if you could help me out translating pages from the English wiki to the Indonesian, or if you had any friends or knew other native Indonesian speakers who could help me out with this.

Thank you,

Yatta `( ° ヮ°)´21:25, 30 April 2013

I'm active again on this Translatewiki but... I'm not really familiar with your wiki, could you explain more?

Ald-N-id-bbc-en-ms-jv Bicara/Talk to me07:31, 7 February 2014

Hey! The wiki itself is about something I created, the "Hvetshran species". They're a type of slightly creepy creature who live in clans. I made it for myself (sort of for a story). I understand if you wouldn't bother translating for something unofficial and not very important, but I would be happy even if I can have only a page or two more. (: thans in advance.

Yatalu (talk)14:54, 27 February 2014