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Mapudungun translations

Mapudungun translations


Thank you for your translations into Mapudungun!

I noticed that you are translating things in all kinds of projects here. It is better to focus on one project and complete it.

I see that you are also contributing to the Incubator Wikipedia. If you want to create a Wikipedia in your language, I recommend going over the list of projects that I have put on your user page, and translating them. The most important project to translate appears at the top: "Most used / Most important".

If you need any help, please ask me!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)09:24, 7 January 2022

Hi! thanks for your guide, i started to understand this page just picking some random projects. i will try to fill top to bottom the list that you gave me

Manke ruLpa (talk)09:40, 8 January 2022