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User talk:Kph

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi Kph-no. Welcome to Betawiki! Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on. If you are going to be an active user here, please also add your name to the languages you will be working on. Before you can use Special:Translate, and Special:Magic, please request translator rights. If you have a wiki where a lot of translations have already been made, you can make an import request. Other useful pages are linked in the translatewiki.net menu that comes with this message.

Once you have started translating, your work will be committed to the standard product every few days. If you want to explicitely request your work to be added, please make a request for commit.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 10:14, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Hadde du glemt denne? Jon Harald Søby 12:49, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Det hadde jeg faktisk. Kph-no 22:43, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
Jeg slo sammen kontoene Kph og Kph-no, slik at alle bidragene fra den gamle kontoen kom over i denne (en funksjon som ikke finnes på Wikipedia, som du sikkert er klar over). Vil du at jeg skal endre navn på denne til Kph også? Jon Harald Søby 19:53, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
Det kan du forsåvidt gjøre, men det er ikke noen big deal. Jeg bruker dette brukernavnet også på et par andre prosjekter hvor det andre var opptatt. Kph-no 16:44, 13 March 2008 (UTC)
Jeg bytta navn jeg da, siden Kph ikke var opptatt her. :-) Jon Harald Søby 13:37, 26 March 2008 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Norwegian Bokmal from "no" to "nb"018:59, 25 December 2011
Norwegian Bokmal from "no" to "nb"018:59, 25 December 2011

Norwegian Bokmal from "no" to "nb"

Hi. As you have in the past contributed to Norwegian Bokmal translations, I'm letting you know that we have (finally!) moved from the incorrect code "no" to "nb". Please changes your language code in Special:Preferences, so that you will not get confused.

Siebrand18:59, 25 December 2011

Norwegian Bokmal from "no" to "nb"

Hi. As you have in the past contributed to Norwegian Bokmal translations, I'm letting you know that we have (finally!) moved from the incorrect code "no" to "nb". Please changes your language code in Special:Preferences, so that you will not get confused.

Siebrand18:59, 25 December 2011