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User talk:Sionnach

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Need your help: Changes in plural for Scots Gaelic (gd) in MediaWiki016:35, 26 February 2013
Plurals215:13, 3 October 2010

Need your help: Changes in plural for Scots Gaelic (gd) in MediaWiki

Hi. In the past you've contributed to translations for Scots Gaelic (gd) in MediaWiki. There are some changes to the plural rules for the language in MediaWiki that require some cleanup. Details are in this thread. Thanks for your help.

Siebrand16:35, 26 February 2013

I'll keep this in English as it may involve non-gd admins. We had this debate on plurals some time age and ended up with a consensus on what to do. Now that I've finished with the main job on Firefox and Thunderbird, I was looking at Wikipedia again but noticed on [1] that the neww plural rules haven't been implemented by the looks of it.

More annoyingly, I can't find the page where the debate took place... do you still have the link and know whom we need to kick?

Taing mhòr

Akerbeltz13:23, 3 October 2010

The link is right there on your link: [1] :). WMF is very slow picking new updates, and there isn't much we can do about it. See also Thread:Support/On different plural systems.

Nike14:04, 3 October 2010

Hi Akerbeltz, is math d'fhaicinn a-rithist:-) I guess this is the diskussion you are looking for: New plural rules for Scots Gaelic (gd)

Sionnach15:13, 3 October 2010