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User talk:Stefán Örvar Sigmundsson

From translatewiki.net
Latest comment: 1 year ago by Stefán Örvar Sigmundsson in topic Signature

Welcome to Betawik!

Hi Stefán Örvar Sigmundsson. Welcome to Betawiki. Before you can use Special:Translate, please request translator rights at Betawiki:Translators. Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on.

Once you have started translating, please remember to often request a commit of your translation work at Translating:Tasks. This makes the number of changes easier to handle for the devs.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 07:21, 13 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jæja, þú ert orðinn Translator. Bendi þér á Betawiki:LanguageIs.php and MessagesIs.php þar sem alskonar upplýsingar koma framm. Svo bara spurja mig eða eitthvern annann íslending um hjálp. Nike, sá sem á þessa síðu, er líka fróður um margt. --Steinninn 17. elokuuta 2007 kello 16.12 (UTC)


Mér finnst nú fallegra að hafa skástrik í staðin fyrir pípustrik. Hef ekki séð neinn annann gera þetta svona --Steinninn 23:09, 14 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

job queue

Hvernig getum við þýtt job queue? --Steinninn 00:12, 1 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hummm... ég skil hugtakið en hef aldrei heyrt það á „íslensku“ svo ég þýddi það bara eins og mér fannst það koma best út. Mundu að í íslensku notum við „“ en ekki "". --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 00:25, 2 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jamm, flott er. Alskonar eiðréttingar sem þú gerðir á mér, sem eiga mikið rétt á sér. Voðalega er maður lesblindur stundum. Skil ekki hugtakið á job queue, svo ég veit ekki hvernig þýðingin er, ábyggilega allt í gúddí. --Steinninn 00:43, 2 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Namespaces & documentation

Hello! I saw you updated the message MediaWiki:Editinguser/is. Please do not change namespaces in links, otherwise links are broken. I fixed the message, please fix others if you did the same with other messages. It was also clearly explained in the message documentation (shown above the edit form). There is often useful info in the documentation, so . Greetings, SPQRobin 14:14, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Oh, thanks man. I'll check it out. --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 00:12, 6 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Most often used core messages

Hi Stefan. I would like to ask your attention for the message group most often used messages. These are the most important to translate, because it will give at least a fully localised reading experience in MediaWiki. Could you please translate the missing messages? Cheers! Siebrand 21:41, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I will do that soon. I'm working on too many things at the moment. --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 10:40, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Reaching the target for MediaWiki most used core messages

Hi, S.Örvarr.S.

As you probably know, in Betawiki, there is a group of MediaWiki messages considered essential for a minimum localization to any language. That group is called MediaWiki core message (most used). When a language reaches at a translation level of at least 98% of these messages, it is considered to have the essential localization. As of end of March, there were 95 of the 311 languages at this level and it would be great the increase that number further. As Icelandic is currently at 96.95%, very little effort would be needed to reach 98%, or even better, 100%. Therefore, I would like to invite you to complete the missing translations and make Icelandic be part of the list of essentialy localized languages.

Thanks for your attention and best regards, Malafaya 14:04, 25 April 2008 (UTC)Reply


Sæll Stefán, hverning finnst þér þýðinguna hérna, getur þú leiðrétta hana? :)

Kærar þakkir, --Spacebirdy 01:52, 20 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Já, þetta var alveg rétt. Ég breyti orðaröðinni en hún var alls ekki röng. --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 01:17, 21 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Takk fyrir :) --Spacebirdy 11:11, 23 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Puculiar behaviour from your browser?

Hi. I've been looking into our webserver logs because I saw unusually high hit counts on our main page. I think that this may come partially from you, especially if your IP address is x.x.x.199 and you are using Avant Browser. I especially see a very high number of hits on Main_Page. Is this something you can explain somehow? Cheers! Siebrand 21:59, 11 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Wow, yeah that sounds puculiar! I use IE on the daily basis but have round 6 browsers on my machine. But I don't think I have used Avant Browser for sometime. I have no explanations, I'm sorry. --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 22:19, 11 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

URGENT: fix special page aliases

Hi. Please fix your special page aliases asap on Special:Magic. "Mest ítengdu flokkar" is used twice. Siebrand 17:25, 27 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Done. --Stefán Örvarr Sigmundsson 16:11, 30 October 2008 (UTC)Reply


Hi, Stefán! Could you please uncheck the box that says "Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link to your user page)" in your preferences? Because it is checked, there is no link to your user page in your signature, and that makes it impossible to use DiscussionTools to reply to messages you post. Thanks! Jon Harald Søby (talk) 13:17, 5 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Done. Stefán Örvar Sigmundsson (talk) 20:25, 8 February 2024 (UTC)Reply