Template talk:Desc

From translatewiki.net


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Improvement?214:29, 14 November 2012


Since all extensions translated here are in Git they should also be documented on MW.org. Thus it seems better to do something like "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:{{name}}" for the URL. Thus {{Desc|SomeExtension}} would be enough.

[[kgh]] (talk)01:23, 14 November 2012

But then you would be forced to use CamelCase or whatever other weirdness the pagename has.

Nemo (talk)12:49, 14 November 2012

You are right, it should cater for alternaive names {{Desc|ExtensionName|AltExtensionName}}. Inserting links seems to be a bit boring. Still, just a suggestion.

[[kgh]] (talk)14:29, 14 November 2012