Enable [[Project:Terminology gadget|Terminology gadget]] by default?

Well, I do see the character for Japan here, and this page looks scripted to me: https://unicode-table.com/en/search/?q=%F0%9F%97%BE

The implementation of JavaScript in SeaMonkey is called SpiderMonkey, and I have no doubt that it's the same version from Firefox 60, but still being patched. That's not an ideal situation, of course.

PiefPafPier (talk)18:02, 18 October 2022
Edited by author.
Last edit: 06:31, 19 October 2022

Seeing the characters for Japan in the HTML/CSS parser and renderer is not a sufficient condition. We are talking about Javascript support of regular expressions.

Once again the regular expression engine used in Javascript (with ES6) is absolutely never needed to parse and HTML and render texts, and for supporting fonts with supplementary characters that are outside the BMP. You could disable Javascript entirely in the browser, you would still see the same Japanese text (however you would not interact much with web sites using only HTML and CSS, at least not with client-side scripts, but only via HTML form submissions processed on the server, or with active media "objects" like audio and videos which embed their own interactions wit hthe user and communication with the remove servers, without actually modifying the HTML and CSS structure of the documetn you're viewing and navigating via HTML hyperlinks, but form submission buttons; as well all data validation would be performed by the server, and navigation would be really slow, forcing whole HTML pages to be reloaded to reflect the new states implied by user interactions).

This suggests that the Terminology gadget should perform a Javascript Regexp capacility tests to see if the browser conforms to ES6, so that it will disable itself and instruct their users to use it with another (ES6-compliant) browser. Other non-ES6 compliant webbrowsers that are still sold and used today are "smart TVs" (not those coslty models with Android, but most Chinese TV brands, using very limited browsers like Opera Mini), and some very cheap smartphones that were recycled and refurbished in poor markets, but only usable to make phone calls and not to use webapps or browse the web (though, modern chip smartphones, made in China, are probably sold at better prices than buying old refurbished smartphones, whose main interest will not be their use on the web, but their extended battery charge time, when the web is not used, there's no wiki and no 3G+ mobile data network, and there's not energy-intensive displays).

(old Nokia, Blackberry and Windows Phones are no longer sold since years, and probably now all defunct, for having lost all support since years and not even being able to use any apps due to very insufficient of storage space, even just for updated noly their embedded apps; there's no change to get any newer browser on these devices, whise batteries are also probably dead since long)

Verdy p (talk)18:12, 18 October 2022

TL;DR Lost my interest in this thread. Off-topic parts can be removed. thx

PiefPafPier (talk)04:56, 19 October 2022

Note that there's a new error message available since today (to be translated) that warns users when their web browsers does not have a Javascript engine not compatible with ECMAScript 6 (ES6).

It should be displayed now for such gadget.

Verdy p (talk)06:11, 21 October 2022
Edited by author.
Last edit: 16:21, 21 October 2022

Go ahead and #!$% people %#$ who do NOTHING wrong, dude.

PiefPafPier (talk)06:54, 21 October 2022
Edited by author.
Last edit: 16:09, 21 October 2022

Insults are very unwelcome. I did not insult you or any one, but your reply was effectively doing SOMETHING wrong here which is not accepted (read the contributor terms, guidelines, and help pages).

I just tried to give some explainations and fix some incorrect assumptions, so that you could eventually make your choice. We are not supporting any browser development here, so that's not the place to bring your birds terms here. And the message I jsut showed was not created by me but shows that I was right and that existing MediaWiki developers have no time to support non-ES6-compliant browsers (unless you want to find solutions and support them to help that project).

Verdy p (talk)14:42, 21 October 2022

Both "piss off" and "rumble" are characterisations of the other person's actions or intent which are unnecessary because they do not convey additional information, and therefore can be perceived as personal attacks. I'm not sure what's going on here, but perhaps we can all tone down?

Nemo (talk)15:10, 21 October 2022

Yes but "piss off" is really insulting directly against someone, while "rumbling" is a descriptive attitude. And I gave te asme argument as you when I signaled it to Nick before your reply, Nemo. I admit that PiefPafPier is not pleased of this situation, but what I posted jsut before his reply was a revealing an effective fact, which may also be related to this extension and recent discussions (and not directed at all against him or any one).. It also jsut says that existing developers have no time to invest for now in trying to support all browsers (and for indefinite long time), when they already have lot of other priorities for many other people. If that user wants to change that and has technical capabilities and enough time, he should help another way by explaining what fixes he found that may work (but proably this is not needed: gadgets are extensions that can be disabled and replaced by user gadgets that they develop test and fix themselves.

Verdy p (talk)16:18, 21 October 2022

"Pissed off" may also be an accurate description of how someone feels, while "rumbling" is often a subjective judgement of someone else's actions.

Nemo (talk)16:46, 21 October 2022

That's completely the opposite of what I perceive, and any translation would treat the former as a strong slang word, not the later one which is very weak, and frequently used by people for themselves. I've seen that term frequentl used by official supports and moderators in forums, and by developers that receive offensive comments, when these supprots are treated being "lazy", or not abeing able to support a request which is postponed or abandoned later when stalled without possible action for too long (but no one was initerest to provide a patch, maintenance or review, but users just complain and reject other proposed solutions/alternatives). Here he was propsoed an alternative that is well supported (he has the choice of supported browsers for his platform, we are not forcing them). I understand his deception. But how would you decribe the reaction he unexpectedly had above? See for example how Quora describes it (and what moderation action they may take if someone acts like this); there are similar rules in moderated and reviewed social networks (like 4chan, Reddit), or support forums (Microsoft, Oracle), but unfortunately not in most others (Twitter, Facebook, do nothing unless there's a violation of law, or violation of their censorship on some topics, even if it's perfectly legal and respectable, including very wellknown artworks in museums)...

Verdy p (talk)21:08, 21 October 2022