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You looked badly. Translating:Intro/ab is in Category:Intro/ab, and so on for Translating/he or Translating/cy.

Verdy p (talk)15:41, 3 January 2023

Translating:Intro/he is under Category:Intro right now. Translating:Intro/ab was under Category:Intro when I looked at it yesterday, and now it's indeed under Category:Intro/ab; I guess that something was updated in some caches. But OK, now it's under Category:Intro/ab, and what now? What is this one-page category for?

You still haven't answered the main questions: Who asked for these categories? Who thinks that they are useful except yourself? What are they good for except raising your edit count? You say that it's for "navigation", but navigation from where? Most of these pages have just one page, and some of them have zero pages, like Category:Intro/dv. There are no links to these categories from anywhere.

A lot of the Translating:Intro/* pages are barely actually translated; many of them, like Translating:Intro/ta, only have the title translated. Just because of that title and because one of the templates has [[Category:Intro{{#translation}}]], a red link to Category:Intro/ta is created. Because of how categories work now, to make it blue, the category has to be manually created. But is it actually useful to make it blue?

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)10:05, 4 January 2023