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This page is a translated version of the page Translating:Lib.reviews/FAQ and the translation is 45% complete.

¿Por qué lib.reviews?

Creemos que la información qu’utilizamos pa tomar decisiones ―qué llibros lleer, en que llugar agospianos o qué productos mercar― puede ser de meyor calidá si la organizamos de forma tresparente, mediante una comunidá abierta. Aplicamos dalgunos de los principios qu’usaron cuantayá proyectos como Wikipedia y OpenStreetMap: códigu abiertu, llicencia abierta pa tol conteníu y nengún fin d'arriquecimientu.

Esto tamién nos permite collaborar con esos y otros proyectos qu’esisten pa collechar y organizar metadatos llibres y abiertos sobre negocios, productos y más.

¿Cómo se garantiza la calidá de les reseñes?

Nesti momentos, solicitamos a los usuarios pasar pel aru de llograr un enllaz d'invitación antes de rexistrase. Esti ye un procedimientu cenciellu pa controlar la nuesa crecedera y pa saber quién ta mandando usuarios nuevos al sitiu, de manera que podamos supervisar la calidá y evitar recibir conteníu puxarra a mamplén nes fases tempranes.

A midida que pase’l tiempu, cuntamos con delles idees pa caltener o ameyorar la calidá:

  • Teams are a way for users who share an interest to collaborate. You can choose to follow only reviews by a given team, which provides an inherent "quality lens", since each team can come up with its own rules of engagement.
  • We may introduce upvotes/downvotes, ways to highlight reviews by users you trust, transparent scoring algorithms, or community conversation tools to identify the best reviews on a given subject.
  • We may invite collaborations with groups and individuals who have a track record of applying expertise to a given domain (e.g., car reviews).

Have an idea? Why not share it on our IRC channel (#lib.reviews on irc.freenode.net) or via our mailing list?

How do you detect/prevent paid reviews?

There's no way to guarantee that a user hasn't been compensated in some way for a review they write on the Internet. For this reason, we don't absolutely forbid it, but please be aware that research shows even small incentives like product samples tend to bias review outcomes. We do not permit self-promotion, and we require that users disclose conflicts of interest clearly in their review. That means you'll have to point out any form of compensation you expect to receive or have received (including product samples). It is not acceptable for users to write reviews where the reviewer's opinion has been predetermined by a third party offering compensation, and we will block users for doing so.

In general, we want to build a community where users start to get to know each other, meet each other face-to-face, and self-organize to uncover quality issues. Technology as mentioned above is a part of this, but conversation and policy are equally important. We encourage you to join our community mailing list to help us think through these and other issues.

¿Cómo creo una versión de lib.reviews na mio llingua?

Utilizamos [https://translatewiki.net/> translatewiki.net como plataforma pa traducir la interfaz d'usuariu. Translatewiki.net evolucionó al llau de Wikipedia pa dar encontu a la traducción de la interfaz d'usuariu de Wikipedia y los sos proyectos hermanos a munches llingües, y agora utilícenlo tamién otros proyectos de códigu abiertu. TranslateWiki mesmu ye dafechu códigu abiertu.

Puedes ver el progresu de les distintes traducciones equí. Si yes nuevu en translatewiki.net, depués de rexistrate, pidiráte que faigas 20 traducciones curties d’exemplu. Esti ye un tipu d’esame «prueba que sabes lo que faes» enantáu; tárdase unos 10 minutos. Cuando la to cuenta sía aprobada, visita esta páxina y escueye la llingua a la que vas traducir na esquina cimera derecha.

Les llingües actívense pocos díes después de completar la traducción al 100 %. De normal les actualizaciones sincronícense dos veces a la selmana.

Les páxines como esta tamién se caltienen y traducrn per mediu de TranslateWiki. Consulta esta páxina pa más información.

¿Por qué’l códigu ta baxo CC-0 en cuenta d’una llicencia de códigu abiertu convencional?

CC-0 is the legally the safest route to put any piece of content (text, image, code, whatever) in the public domain in a manner that holds up to scrutiny under international law. Since we have no intention of enforcing legal claims against anyone for what they do with the lib.reviews codebase, a license that gives re-users maximum freedom with minimal friction seemed like a reasonable choice. Do keep in mind that the lib.reviews codebase depends on third party libraries licensed under various different open source licenses.

How does lib.reviews sustain itself? Is there a business plan?

For now, the people working on lib.reviews are all volunteers who work on the project without payment, in their spare time. If and when we reach the threshold where we feel the project is sufficiently mature and useful to justify asking for public support, we will likely start adding donation links and set up legal mechanisms for tax deductibility.

If you would like to support the project in a major way before then (realizing it will always be ad-free and non-profit), feel free to contact project founder Erik Moeller via eloquence@gmail.com.

What is the relationship between lib.reviews and freeyourstuff.cc?

freeyourstuff.cc is a browser extension developed by Erik Moeller that lets you export reviews and other contributions you have made to proprietary websites like IMDB and Yelp. Optionally, you can also release these contributions under a free license on the freeyourstuff.cc website, allowing anyone to re-use them. In the long run, we want to make it easy to import contributions to lib.reviews with the help of the extension, but for now, there is no direct interface between the two projects yet.