The rest of this user page is written in Interlingua. This language is derived, as much as possible, from the stock of words that all European languages have in common. In practice, that basically makes it a simplified and modernized international Latin. So, if you don't know anything about the language, how much can you understand anyway? Let me know.
Existe un vocabulario commun de scientia e technologia, proprietate de omne linguas del mundo. Le incarnation de iste vocabulario international in forma de un lingua concrete porta le nomine Interlingua de IALA (ISO-639-1: ia). Interlingua es comprensibile a prime vista, e a prime audita, a mille milliones de personas in tote le mundo. Interlingua: communication sin frontieras.
Modificationes durante le ultime 60 dies
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Consistentia in traduction
Le guida de traductiones ha essite transferite verso un pagina minus personal. Per favor visita Portal:ia.