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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Language fallback to Spanish (es)1412:29, 31 May 2017
Solicitud de traducción009:54, 12 February 2017

Language fallback to Spanish (es)

Many messages are currently not translated into Basque and hence users are presented with strings in English, which they probably don't understand. A possible consequence is, for instance, that people don't use eu.wikipedia.org and go directly to an English wiki or a better translated non-English wiki. This in turn results into less translators and so on.

Given that most eu speakers live in Spain and mostly know Spanish, it would in my opinion make sense to fallback to Spanish, although the two languages are not very closely related. What do you think?

Nemo (talk)08:30, 28 December 2016

It is true that most Basque speakers live in Spain, but it is a fact, also, that most Basque speakers (including those who live in France or elsewhere) learn English and are able to understand English strings. Moreover, the Spanish version will also have some strings untranslated, so a mixture of Basque-English-Spanish would appear — and any user would find that messy and unacceptable. And in the Spanish version there may also be translation errors which the original English version will not have.

So I see no advantage in changing the language fallback from the original English version into the translated Spanish one.

Xabier Armendaritz (talk)10:30, 28 December 2016

Do you have any data for your claim that most Basque speakers also know English?

Nemo (talk)16:00, 28 December 2016

And in the Spanish version there may also be translation errors which the original English version will not have Xabier Armendaritz

This is FUD, but I understand that posture, since there were years ago many errors, indeed. But I (and several others) have been working hard to correct those during the last years.

I suspect (not being a Spaniard) that there are political reasons for not wanting to change the fallback to Spanish, similar to the recent change in Belarusian-language wikis by which the fallback to Russian was removed. I would personally favor not doing any changes in this regard.

Fitoschido (talk)21:20, 31 December 2016

"similar to the recent change in Belarusian-language wikis by which the fallback to Russian was removed" That's Ukranian, not Belarusian, see phab:T39314

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)00:29, 1 January 2017

10% of Basque don't speak spanish but 100% of them studied english as a second language. Besides, I prefere to have as a reference the source language much more than another translated one. Therefore, I thing that matching a small language with his dominant language (spanish/french), it's not a good idea for the development of the small one. -Sator (talk) 23:23, 1 January 2017 (UTC)

Sator (talk)23:23, 1 January 2017

Can you mention a source for these numbers?

Nemo (talk)08:00, 2 January 2017

Solicitud de traducción


En la actualidad mi bot opera en la Wikipedia en euskara pero algunos resúmenes de edición no se muestran en dicha lengua debido a que no están traducidos aquí. Me preguntaba si podrías echarle un vistazo a pywikibot/archivebot.py así como a pywikibot/redirect.py, cuyos scripts uso allí, para que los resúmenes apareciesen debidamente traducidos. Os lo agradecería.

Os animo a traducir además pywikibot en general, en los que existen muchos mensajes sin traducir todavía.

Muchas gracias.

MarcoAurelio (talk)09:54, 12 February 2017