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Documentation of plural rules

Documentation of plural rules


I have drafted a list of Mediawiki plural rules for all languages. I would be grateful if a translator could check that the rules for Czech are correctly recorded in the list. If I have made a mistake please go ahead and correct it.

It could also be useful to any future new translators for Czech to be able to read notes on using plural, especially Mediawiki plural, on your portal or a sub-page of the portal.

Lloffiwr (talk)17:11, 28 April 2012

It seems to be correct. (Just note that your remark “If the second and third forms are the same, the form need only be written once.” should be valid generally, it is implemented as Language::preConvertPlural, which pads the array of the forms to its full length by copying the last one.)

Mormegil (talk)14:44, 10 May 2012

Thank you - I have written up a general explanation of 'padded arrays' on the Plural page.

Lloffiwr (talk)20:07, 18 May 2012