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ここ数日のウィキメディアモバイルの翻訳に、一部、おかしな日本語が混じってしまっています。 一連の翻訳はUser:Anakmalaysiaさんによるものですが、利用者ページの情報によればja-1だそうですので、仕方ないとは言え、このまま公開するわけにはいかないので、翻訳者の皆さま、確認のうえ修正していただければと思います。

aokomoriuta (talk)02:58, 12 January 2012

I'm very sorry if I've troubled you, but I thought I'd try to practice what I've learned from those online Japanese language courses, and I was a bit surprised that the Japanese translation for Wikipedia Mobile wasn't finished. Looks like I'm still not good enough to wean out of Google Translate, so I won't do any further if you insist.

Anakmalaysia (talk)04:28, 12 January 2012

Anakmalaysia: I've just gone through your translations quickly, and I believe the least quality to be shipped is now assured.

whym04:39, 12 January 2012


Anakalaysia: I am also wonderd the translation wasn't finished. Now Most Japanese translators are not actived -I am but I can't contribute becasue of Japanese translators' consensus. So please notify here if you find/have something to complete, and they will give higher priority than others.

aokomoriuta (talk)06:26, 12 January 2012

翻訳者の皆さま。Sitenoticeでお知らせがあるとおり、ウィキメディア・モバイルの翻訳をなるべく早く完了する必要があります。 現時点で残り1メッセージとなっていますが、全体を見渡しての用語の統一など最終的な確認作業も残っていますので、作業よろしくお願いします。

aokomoriuta (talk)06:28, 12 January 2012