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I gave the version with explicit numbers a series of tries. It is not working.

Having incompatible PLURAL syntax inside the MediaWiki: namespace for different messages or message groups is imho not acceptable, and too error prone anyways.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)21:59, 14 April 2013

There's a single PLURAL syntax for MediaWiki, however there are different plural rules. This is the problem because rules are fixing the number and order of items in the MediaWiki PLURAL syntax

The good thing to do for MediaWiki would be for PLURAL to NOT require the implicit' numbering for items, but allow them to be explicitly given by a "|selector=text" parameter instead of just "|text"; i.e. the Mediawiki PLURAL syntax for its parameters should work exactly like template parameters (that also have implicit numbered names for unnamed parameters)

In that case, PLURAL could allow standard CLDR selectors everywhere (they can be named "zero=", "one", "two", "few", "many", etc., but can also be optional specific numeric values like "0=", "1=", "2=")

  • all parameters without selectors are mapped to CLDR selectors according to their order of appearance in the function call
  • selectors can appear in *any* order in the PLURAL function call
  • selectors used by each parameter have to be unique, after mapping their aliases
  • numeric values "0=", "1=", "2=" are always treated treated as aliases for "zero=", "one=", and "two=", where they exist in CLDR rules for the language, meaning that if you use "0=" and "zero=" in the function call they are in conflict, and should resolve to use the named value "zero=" and "0=" is not used
  • The problem with Ripuarain/Kölsch is that CLDR rules where specified by placing "zero" to the 1st position so the 1st unnamed parameter maps to the value "0=" and not "1=": for this to work successfully, this means that parameters given to the PLURAL function without an explicit selector MUST not be mapped by a simple numbering from 1 to n (except the last parameter without explicit selector which MUST map to "many") but to CLDR names in the same order as they occur in CLDR rules, so for Kölsch they will map to ("zero","one","two","few",..., "many") in that order, and not ("one","two","few",..."many") as in most other languages
  • mapping a value for "zero", "one" or "two" must be allowed in all languages even if they don't have this rule specified in CLDR (in that case they must be treated as selecting the numbers "0", "1", "2" as optional overrides for the usual plural forms defined in CLDR for the language)
  • as well "many" must be accepted in ALL languages, it is not a numeric override but acts as the default and it is the "many=" selector which is to be always used in the PLURAL function call parameters for always mapping the last unnamed parameter.
  • You cannot use an explicit "many=" parameter at the same time as the last parameter set without a selector: {{PLURAL:...|many=texts1|texts2}} creates a conflict. The rule is to apply the same logic as in Mediawiki: the last mapped value overrides the previous mapped value for the parameter with the same name, so "text2" would be returned and "many=" would be ignored; but in {{PLURAL:...|texts2|many=texts1}} this would be exactly the opposite.
  • In summary, the PLURAL MediaWiki function only offers the possibility to set parameters without naming them only as a shortcut facility (just like with templates); in all cases unnamed parameters are processed to assign them a name, and other explicitly numbered parameter names come as overrides except 0, 1, 2 which map instantly to "zero", "one", "two" when they exist in CLDR rules; if a named parameter is set with he names "zero", "one", "two" and these do'nt exist in CLDR rules for the language, they must be treated as if they were numeric overrides and are remaped to "0", "1", "2" explicitly.
  • Then the list of parameters can be built as a normal dictionnary mapping containing (key,text) pairs; the actual source list of parameters is processed normally from left to right to assign keys in that dictionnary
  • Then PLURAL will process these parameters: if a language specifies some CLDR rules needing some form like "one", it will default to the value assigned to the "many" key.
  • Note that the preprocessed dictionnary of (key,text) values will always contain the key "many" (because it is required on all languages, and it is also the key used for the last unnamed parameter in ALL parameter lists that are given in the syntax of the PLURAL function call. If there's no parameter given to "many=" or if there's no unnamed parameter, then it takes the default value "", an empty string.
  • This way we become fully independant in Mediawiki about the number and order of rules defined in CLDR, we preserve the facility of specifying the various plrural forms in a specific order without nameing them explicitly; but we can control how they will be mapped.
  • Rules defined for languages may specify how their CDLR-based rules will fallback to one rule to another (not necessrily first to the "many" rule).

So for Ripuarian/Kölsch the translation above should be (or should become) any one of:

  • {{PLURAL$1|nichts|$1}} (not recommended, but preserved for compatiblity)
  • {{PLURAL$1|0=nichts|$1}}
  • {{PLURAL$1|zero=nichts|$1}}
  • {{PLURAL$1|many=$1|zero=nichts}}
  • {{PLURAL$1|$1|0=nichts}} (not recommended, but preserved for compatiblity)
  • {{PLURAL$1|$1|zero=nichts}} (not recommended, but preserved for compatiblity)
  • ...

(all of them equivalent with the rules above and without any conflicting mapping)

And if there are any ambiguity for translators, they can (and should) use explictly named parameters (the 1st form above is preserved for compatiblity, but not recommended as it implies that translators are aware of which CLDR ules are used, and about their order of definition). Only the LAST unnamed parameter (given without an explicit selector) can have its implicit name "many=" omitted (including in the last two examples just above).

Verdy p (talk)09:23, 10 June 2022