Screen layout glitches in new editing interface page as of today.

  1. Sometimes happens to me too, but also with the Vector search bar glass, so might depend on something else. No idea if filed.
  2. Should be bugzilla:46065.
  3. That's a completion bar. How would you expect it to be?
  4. I suspect non-CSS browsers won't be supported. For you the problem is just of loading time, isn't it? Those like me and you with slower machines usually have to be patient.
Nemo (talk)22:11, 29 March 2013

Thank you!

3. That's a completion bar. How would you expect it to be?

Put a label above it, maybe?

4. Yes. Loading time is increasing. I am used to do some parallel work while waiting for some of the larger twn pages @ this system. Slowness is not prohibitive, though.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)22:21, 29 March 2013

Closing this issue. Please report remaining issues in bugzilla:.

Siebrand17:50, 7 October 2013