Translations for sr that recently appeared

You are trying to make this personal. Come over to sr.wp and you'll see that more than a few users are complaining about your translations. Concerning that, it is safe to say that I was presenting general opinion of the community toward your translations. Like I said, not all of that was bad, but those who were bad were highly noticeable. I am sorry if you have taken that one personally, but the point is the same as of Sasha's who came after I noted somebody should talk with you.

As for discussion on (in)validity of using anglicisms, I am inviting you to come to sr.wp, express your ideas and see what kinds of arguments you'll face. Note that the last source you provided even does not forbid the term piksel. There is no point in changing well established and valid translations.

Mihajlo talk18:09, 10 January 2011