Using FlaggedRevs to allow reviewing translations

"If somebody changes a translation I don't get an information about that except I look in the message history": do you mean after accepting it? Because if you edit it you can automatically put it in your watchlist. As for the rest, did you try Special:Translate/!recent?

Nemo (talk)20:56, 1 February 2012

Ah, thank you. I did not know this special page. But anyway, I must always remember to look for new messages to be accepted.

Theoretically I would need to put all messages into my watchlist because I don't know before which messages will be changed by someone else. Well, actually it is extensive for now only because I must catch up a lot. Normally it is not a problem because I am the only translator and actually only some people of the TW team (such as Siebrand, Raymond) modify messages. But one question remains: Are translated messages committed without accepting them?

Michawiki (talk)21:24, 1 February 2012

I don't understand your problem: if you want to see all recent translations you only have to use a recent changes feed ("Atom" link on the left), see also mw:Help:Extension:Translate/Statistics_and_reporting#Recent_changes.2C_feeds_and_logging.

Yes, messages are committed without need for a review. This is a wiki, after all.

Nemo (talk)21:35, 1 February 2012

I forgot to write that a lot of the non-accepted messages have been changed or even created by FuzzyBot already in 2008.

Michawiki (talk)21:36, 1 February 2012

What's strange in it? The review feature it's been added only recently, so there's a huge "backlog" (which is not an issue). But, you can accept only other users' translations, so there are probably few translations you need to accept in your language and you easily see the bottom of the queue, which is very old.

Nemo (talk)21:44, 1 February 2012

Yes but if supposing that non-accepted messages would not be committed I would need to review a lot of messages. Well, they are committed without accepting so I I will have time enough to catch up the work.

I did not use the Atom feed before. I have to do much work with translating and it is much addional work to check what features there are and how they work.

Michawiki (talk)21:59, 1 February 2012

Sure, that's what I'm here for, giving you links to things you've missed and can save you some time. :-) Here's an example of the feeds.

Nemo (talk)22:17, 1 February 2012