Unclear sense of context of messages
- Man-crsp-81451a30f0f4fac06955dc50d6c6e81541cfa6c6-Search relationship for all pe (“
Search relationship for all person records.
”) → Most probably all records related to a person should be retrieved. - Man-bene-e57a26475a8c2475ea5648ab1e9d77d2b8f3b62c-Can view benefit child form of (“
Can view benefit child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-bene-0b07adcb275aea40b28a0d4a161d9de9577ba2fb-Can edit benefit child forms o (“
Can edit benefit child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-regi-c96762cf8db452e511632d1131cc6508f6513279-Can view registration child fo (“
Can view registration child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-regi-f8f61e30517ad9ccb7a616190c523ed0dd0e3aff-Can edit registration child fo (“
Can edit registration child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-c7b1c942aff6e64a7e3b051a4b3790521641a7af-Can view position decision chi (“
Can view position decision child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-5a52ecd6ce098393d328c0aa658d64597651e3ba-Can edit position decision chi (“
Can edit position decision child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-4e0e2aa7c8e56e0896ddfeeaa4f23c2c716e3870-Can view position interview ch (“
Can view position interview child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-ac0f42614c87071964efc8a8f269e2e0854a7a99-Can edit position interview ch (“
Can edit position interview child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-9bce87777d478a3394dc66614e1d51df1849cec7-Can view aplicaiton child form (“
Can view aplicaiton child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-a9b037c67bcffea3b907fc10aa7aa02f8f39d7c7-Can edit aplicaiton child form (“
Can edit aplicaiton child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-appl-9bce87777d478a3394dc66614e1d51df1849cec7-Can view aplicaiton child form (“
Can view aplicaiton child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-conf-1e1c43c5579f811639ba85c34a63e2e46ed14949-Can view confirmation child fo (“
Can view confirmation child form of a person
”) → child? - Man-conf-e7b7d6a0a40ccd0656c9210f143ac4f40c313825-Can edit confirmation child fo (“
Can edit confirmation child forms of a person
”) → child? - Man-pepo-e295160b58cc382f41d91ab3742945dbd426e584-Standardized Position Letters (“
Standardized Position Letters
”) → Most probably a standardised job description is meant.
Following your example I have fuzzied some translations where the intendet sense or context is unclear. Please advise as soon as this is sorted out with a qqq. Thanks and cheers --kgh 08:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC) PS I will add more messages as I find them along my way. Descriptions should be entered at Translating:IHRIS/glossary.
Can the page Translating:iHRIS/glossary be automatically populated somehow? Perhaps, a tagged extracted comment in the "" message for each of the modules? For example:
#. {@Glossary dependent A person who relies on another, esp. a family member, for financial support.}
Hi Carl, it is possible to send a documentation together with each message .../qqq It would be cool if the meaning of the messages indicated above will be clarified since they cannot be safely be translated at the moment. Cheers
Hi, I think that „I“ have figured out what child means in this context. I should be a data sheet (form) associated (child) with a person. It might be a wild guess, still it makes more sense that a child as in human. Cheers