Language abbreviations

Language abbreviations

Hello Gerard--

Just wondering who comes out with the abbreviations of the languages, in particular our language Ilokano. The abbreviation given is "Ilo" which translate to "asswipe" in our native tongue. I find it amusing and gives me a smile every time I see it, but others might have different opinions about it. Any idea where this could be changed or is this set in stone? Any insight would really be appreciated. Thanks

Lam-ang (talk)17:36, 20 October 2011

From portal:ilo you can see that the code ilo is part of various standards, and it is difficult to change it. I don't know if this is of any consolation, but ilo means happiness in Finnish.

Nike (talk)18:06, 20 October 2011

I guess every cloud has a silver lining or let's just say every asswipe brings happiness :)

Lam-ang (talk)19:04, 20 October 2011