

Thanks for your translations!

You wrote a documentation message in Gather. What you wrote only pertains to French, and that documentation is supposed to be for all languages. That message currently doesn't have any documentation, which is not great, and I'll ask the developers to add it.

But generally, thanks for the great work!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)08:52, 31 March 2015

got it. thanks!

This is pretty fun.

MPlauche (talk)16:37, 31 March 2015

When you have variable names, as below, do you generally translate them or not?

HTML of selected sections.
Information about all sections on the page.
Normalized page title.

text -> texte sections -> sections normalizedtitle -> titrenormalisé

MPlauche (talk)18:17, 31 March 2015

This is a rather internal technical message, so you guessed correctly: "text", "sections" and "normalizedtitle" don't need to be translated.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)11:45, 1 April 2015