Wrong number of matches for filtering shown in new editing interface page as of today

I suppose the problem is that the search bar in Special:translate searches only in the message group you're in, but then brings you to a global search? Aren't the following filters shown on the left enough? I don't know what would be best behaviour here.

Nemo (talk)22:06, 29 March 2013

I certainly had perferred the narrowmost selection in the above case. I was looking for exactly one message. Later I gave up trying to find it among the 941 not having understood how to proceed from there anyways.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)16:18, 30 March 2013

One of the two issues was resolved a while ago; Purodha, can you check whether the other still exists? It should get clearer now.

Nemo (talk)21:10, 21 July 2013