Category:User pt-BR
Users in this category have indicated their level of linguistic knowledge (or absence of knowledge) in Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil).
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "User pt-BR"
The following 487 pages are in this category, out of 487 total.
- User:!Silent
- User:Alvarenga
- User:ArgonSim
- User:Bruno.S.Alves 270
- User:Cristofer Alves
- User:Gonzalillo
- User:Iagocds
- User:Jbez
- User:Joaquim157
- User:Joywriter
- User:NMaia
- User:O andarilho
- User:O Andarilho
- User:Opraco
- User:RadiX
- User:Soued031
- User:VictorxD70
- User:Warley Felipe C.
- User:555
- User:Allysson
- User:Almondega
- User:Amgauna
- User:Anaclaudiaml
- User:Anboia
- User:Andersonzaydam
- User:Andregamma
- User:Anitenn
- User:Araceletorres
- User:Augusto Rubio
- User:Bluemamelati
- User:Borky
- User:BraulioBezerra
- User:CaiusSPQR
- User:Carlosedepaula
- User:Cashirota
- User:Chicocvenancio
- User:Claudio Rogerio Carvalho Filho
- User:Cleberfonseca
- User:Contadetestes
- User:Cybermandrake
- User:Dianakc
- User:Dicionarista
- User:Didifelisberto
- User:Eelucaslima
- User:Eglye
- User:EVinente
- User:Fabsouza1
- User:Fasouzafreitas
- User:Felipe L. Ewald
- User:Filhocf
- User:Ftrebien
- User:Fuchs
- User:Fzanuzzo
- User:Gsolusf
- User:Guilhermemau
- User:Jdlf
- User:Jesielt
- User:Julianagatti
- User:Kaioduarte
- User:Kaioduarte-TB
- User:Legionibus
- User:Leo Lord 2018
- User:Leonardo Coelho
- User:Leonardobat
- User:Leosls
- User:Lowvy
- User:LucFreitas
- User:Luig
- User:Luigipiccoli
- User:Luz38
- User:Manuquadros
- User:Marcionunes
- User:Marluci fachi
- User:Matgut10
- User:Matheus Sousa L.T
- User:Mathzs
- User:Maxan
- User:MetalBrasil
- User:Migalha14
- User:Millbittencourt
- User:Millbittencourt04
- User:Mozovisk
- User:Ogipcio
- User:P. S. F. Freitas
- User:PasiniK
- User:Pedro
- User:Pedrofariasm
- User:Piterkeo
- User:Pórokhov
- User:Ppena
- User:Prilopes
- User:Quintino Lopes Castro Tavares
- User:RafaCamargoBR
- User:RmSilva
- User:Rodrigo Avila
- User:Rodrigo codignoli
- User:Rukasuoribera
- User:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt
- User:Teles
- User:Telma A Correa
- User:TheEduGobi
- User:TheGabrielZaum
- User:Theocfar
- User:Thi.henrike
- User:Thiagoaraujo84
- User:Timarcosdias
- User:Trigonometria87
- User:Uinichi
- User:Vagnerrondon
- User:Vonmatter
- User:Welerson98
- User:Willemarcel
- User:3dUaRdY0
- User:Abilhar
- User:ACheJu
- User:Adriaan.dehaan
- User:Adriana Lioni
- User:Adriano
- User:Adrianojbr
- User:Agripinoduarte
- User:Alangutierri
- User:Alberane
- User:Albertoleoncio
- User:Alex.f
- User:Alexandreteles
- User:Alison2033
- User:Aluisio Melo
- User:Amanda
- User:Ammachado
- User:Anderson Costa
- User:Anderson050219
- User:Andrecpe
- User:Andrekowacs
- User:Andrexat
- User:AndroidOSUser
- User:Andronimo
- User:Antonio Rodrigues Neto
- User:Antonio1702
- User:AntonioMazin
- User:Aquila Leite
- User:Aracele
- User:Aracnus
- User:Aristóbulo
- User:Arthurteb303
- User:Aurenthun
- User:Beatriz.mattei
- User:Beegeesfan
- User:BlackZetsu
- User:Bmarotta
- User:Brasil-indonesia
- User:Brasileiro aqui
- User:BraunOBruno
- User:BrunaaAa
- User:Bruno.asm
- User:Brunomelnic
- User:Caçador de Palavras
- User:CamiloCBranco
- User:Carolintaschi
- User:Catacasa
- User:Cela444
- User:Chico
- User:Ciro.capote
- User:Claudio Emanuel Weiler
- User:CoelhitaWingz223
- User:CorraleH
- User:Cosmo Skerry
- User:Cottonhead
- User:Cristianwcorrea
- User:Cristianwcorreaa
- User:Cuehleo
- User:Dainidankai
- User:Dani nonato
- User:Daniel Estill
- User:Daniel Souza
- User:Daniel6999
- User:Danielqsc
- User:Danielsouzat
- User:Danimar Ribeiro
- User:Danvarlese
- User:Dbsnp
- User:DDesouza
- User:Debora Gadelha
- User:Deivisony
- User:Dentxinho
- User:Dgalvares
- User:Diego Queiroz
- User:Diegobiavati
- User:Diehlg
- User:Diogoko
- User:Diovos
- User:Dr. Guima
- User:Duke of Wikipädia
- User:Ebssbio
- User:Ebuda
- User:Edalcin
- User:Ederporto
- User:Ednofranco
- User:Edson.sobreira
- User:Edsonfm
- User:EdsonMG Anthony
- User:Edu
- User:Edu!
- User:Eduardo Gottert
- User:Eduardo Soares
- User:Eduardoaddad
- User:EduardoFP7
- User:Eliazhar
- User:Elilopes
- User:Elival
- User:EnaldoSS
- User:Ennio Sousa
- User:EPorto (WMB)
- User:Eric Luis da Silva Mauricio
- User:Ernan
- User:Errepe
- User:Eudeveloper
- User:Eugeniamcabral
- User:Eulálio
- User:Everton137
- User:F.Rosnovski
- User:Felipefgmoreno
- User:Felipegaspars
- User:Fernanda Vegas da Costa
- User:Fernando Leite De Oliveira
- User:Fidelis Assis
- User:Flaviane da Silva
- User:Flavio
- User:Flaviohfs
- User:Flaviohmg
- User:Frajaq
- User:Freeedusoft
- User:G.Henry
- User:Gabriel.Anac
- User:Gabrieldlm
- User:Galegovski
- User:Gastonsaenz
- User:Gazambuja
- User:Gdias
- User:Gentlemen
- User:GiFontenelle
- User:Giovanaalonso
- User:Gito da Ana
- User:Glaucia Japui Gonçalves
- User:Gotojhp
- User:Gralamar
- User:GravetoGeek
- User:Grpires
- User:Guilherm502
- User:Guilherme
- User:Guipedreira
- User:Gusta
- User:Gustave London
- User:Gustavo
- User:Gustavo G
- User:Gustavo.moraes
- User:Gustavofontenele
- User:Harrymacdougat
- User:Heglan
- User:Hmkikuchi
- User:Hudson Breno
- User:Icaro
- User:Ícaro
- User:Icmourao
- User:Iohanen
- User:Isabelle Belato
- User:ItalloMartins
- User:Ixocactus
- User:Jackaw
- User:Jadethomaz
- User:JediArlight
- User:Jefersonfoliveira
- User:Jefersonmoraes
- User:Jfalarini
- User:Jgpacker
- User:Jhonnatanricardo
- User:JM Pessanha
- User:Joaopaulo1511
- User:Jodevan
- User:Joelma leite
- User:Jonas AGX
- User:Jonh Acter
- User:Jonta
- User:Joscarlossr
- User:Jota
- User:JoyceBuzetti
- User:Jparthuso
- User:JPLSilva
- User:Jramos br
- User:Juan90264
- User:Jucimar Mendes
- User:Julia Carolina
- User:Juliana Reboucas de Oliveira
- User:Juliana Sobreira
- User:Juliano.cardoso
- User:Júnior Cândido
- User:Jurema Oliveira
- User:Juwan
- User:Jvsantana
- User:Jyliu
- User:L
- User:Lakelimbo
- User:Laura Vargas - Chero Gami
- User:Lc97
- User:Lechatjaune
- User:LeFaith
- User:Leoburd
- User:Leonardo.guimaraes
- User:Leonardo9387
- User:LeoSantTriunfo
- User:Lex alaz
- User:Lisdeoliveira
- User:Lola3
- User:Luan
- User:Luanafaro
- User:Lucas8ben
- User:LucyDiniz
- User:LuisF
- User:Luiztux
- User:Luk3
- User:Lux
- User:Maakhai
- User:Malk Zameth
- User:Manandez
- User:Maracajá Teremembé
- User:Marco lima
- User:Marcos dias de oliveira
- User:Marcuspara66
- User:Margiedoty
- User:Mariaalmeida
- User:Mário Sergio da Silva
- User:Mariosergio30
- User:Marvin Silc
- User:Marvus vinicius
- User:Mateus Alves Nedbajluk
- User:Matheus Lima
- User:Matheusgomesms
- User:Mello25
- User:Mellogabi03
- User:MisterSanderson
- User:Mjaffe
- User:Mkovags
- User:Mobyduck
- User:Mordecaista
- User:Mordecool
- User:Moretti
- User:Mpayansilva
- User:Mrmiss
- User:N37
- User:Nathan Silva
- User:Nathysousa
- User:NenhumaFênix
- User:Nick V
- User:NicoBr
- User:Ntunzine
- User:Obiru
- User:Ottovay
- User:P12
- User:P4ss0
- User:Pablodiego15
- User:PauloEduardo
- User:Pedrio7615
- User:Pedro Lucas Pereira Silva
- User:Pedro Lucas Silva
- User:PedroLeao
- User:PedroMaia
- User:PedroMVM
- User:Pedroppinheiro
- User:Pequenina
- User:Peter Fernando
- User:Petrinhu
- User:Phantasmagoria
- User:Pjcaldeira
- User:Pmattheew
- User:Pp.amorim
- User:Praduca
- User:Profdrteoaugusto
- User:Ptrke
- User:Punkaholics
- User:Qgustavor
- User:Rafael
- User:Rafaelff
- User:Rafascheffer
- User:Rafinha1337
- User:Rayfurtado
- User:Re demz
- User:Rffontenelle
- User:Rfonseca
- User:Rhcastilhos
- User:Ricgootz
- User:Robertpontes
- User:Rodrigo Padula
- User:Rodrigo Pavani
- User:Rodrigosprimo
- User:Rogeniobelem
- User:Rogerio Melfi
- User:RoodAssis
- User:Ros3cin
- User:Ruanmedgar
- User:Rubens218
- User:Ruila
- User:Ryuu
- User:Sarah52
- User:Saturnow
- User:SDRaid
- User:Simonesardeiro
- User:Sinmas
- User:Slovato
- User:Smmvinicius
- User:Solstag
- User:Stanglavine
- User:Stephanyb76
- User:Sturm
- User:Suburbanno
- User:Sudastelaro
- User:Tâmara Circe Cerpa Moraes
- User:Tark
- User:Terceiro
- User:Teste
- User:Thaiszanata
- User:Thiago Humberto Rocha
- User:Thiago90ap
- User:Tiagoquix
- User:Tiagosimon
- User:Tim Vincent
- User:Titoncio
- User:Tooguether
- User:Trooper57
- User:Tuliouel
- User:Tweth
- User:Unamane
- User:Vaniacfon
- User:VasbXBR
- User:Vazafirst
- User:Vgeorge
- User:Vitalb
- User:Vitor
- User:Vitor Pizzuto
- User:Vonil55
- User:Vperetti
- User:Vrzi
- User:Walesson
- User:Walter696
- User:Waltern
- User:Wiiformii
- User:Wille
- User:Wwmoraes
- User:XenoF
- User:Yanguas
- User:Yannicksk
- User:Yeltsinxyz
- User:YoReaper
- User:YuriNikolai
- User:ZehRique