About [[MediaWiki:Wikibase-snakview-variation-datavaluetypemismatch-details/en]]

Sorry, but it is accurate. I am not a technical writer and we have no vocabulary which maps those very technical terms to more user friendly simplifications. So as long as we don't have such a vocabulary it would just be harmful if everyone writing those messages would invent his or her own vocabulary. Inconsistency over messages is probably even worse than using the accurate technical terms.

Danwe (talk)15:28, 12 April 2013

Wouldn't the English be easier to understand if it used the 'of' construction, as in: "The value's data value type "$1" does not match the data value type "$2" of the data type of the property."

Lloffiwr (talk)12:34, 13 April 2013

I don't think it would make a difference, the sentence is still difficult to understand because of its technical depth.

Danwe (talk)14:56, 14 April 2013

I just Closed it. This should be solved with bug 45363 which depends on bug 47317 now, which says we need a clearly defined terminology.

Danwe (talk)14:29, 17 April 2013