Possible cache issue

If you click here now, the first letter of the first message in English will appear in lower case. It was changed to uppercase on June 12.

Hamilton Abreu07:41, 30 June 2010

Have you noticed this with other groups too?

Nike09:27, 30 June 2010

In the Special:Translate page, only with Shapado groups. For example, Shapado-Mailers still shows the old form {{ }} for variables in the English messages, whereas the latest version of these messages has the new form %{ }. Ditto for Shapado-Members.

Hamilton Abreu12:33, 30 June 2010

Looks like something has gone wrong building the cache files (translate_groupcache-out-shapado-mailers-en.cdb and translate_groupcache-out-shapado-members-en.cdb). I deleted them for these two groups for all languages and rebuilt them. Issue resolved now.

Siebrand19:48, 30 June 2010