Request for enabling new variants for Min Dong Chinese language

Okay, let me be unambiguous: As "han" is not a correct script tag, this cannot be used. What 4 letter language script tag should be used for the variant you request to add? If you don't know, please consult a linguist. I suggested a few, but you appear to reject all those.

Siebrand15:24, 14 July 2013

I have just checked the script code in ISO 15924 standard. The script code for Min Dong language in Chinese characters script should be 500, i.e. hani.

ISO 15924 Hani (code number 500) includes Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja. "Hanzi" is used in classical Chinese (Mandarin) and several related languages in the past imperial China. As a result, Min Dong language in Chinese characters script in a part of "Hanzi", so it should be "hani".

So let's decide that the script variants for Min Dong language to be: cdo-hani.

Yejianfei (talk)15:42, 14 July 2013

Request for enabling new variants for Min Dong Chinese language[edit source]

Language Code:
ISO 639-3:cdo
Original script:
cdo-latn: Foochow Romanized (Bàng-uâ-cê)
New script variants requested:
cdo-hani: Min Dong language in Chinese characters script (閩東語漢字)

Yejianfei (talk)06:18, 22 July 2013

Our contributors on Min Dong language (cdo) Wikipedia have agreed to allow the use of both the Chinese characters and Latin orthography of Min Dong language. Therefore we request that the interwiki name for Min Dong language be changed to:

  • Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄/閩東語

Thank you.

Yejianfei (talk)16:49, 11 August 2013

We do not handle interwiki names at

Nike (talk)13:18, 22 June 2016

What is the status of this issue now? It has been open for years. Has the proposal by Yejianfei been approved? Siebrand, would you please reply to this message? Thanks.

Ztl8702 (talk)11:22, 3 August 2015

I am also feeling worried for keeping opening for so long! What's wrong?

Yejianfei (talk)15:02, 4 August 2015

Should we open a new issue?

Ztl8702 (talk)20:06, 5 August 2015

I have no idea.

Yejianfei (talk)16:28, 28 January 2016

Currently the localisation is using a Han script, so I don't understand why that is requested here.

Nike (talk)13:19, 22 June 2016

Sorry I can't wait, so created phab:T139010.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)00:44, 30 June 2016

Thanks for your assistance. I'll put an eye on it.

Yejianfei (talk)16:41, 1 July 2016