Translation reviewers

The feature is now fully working, although it's subject to future improvements. Nothing changes for translators in general, but if one wants to do some sistematic work to improve quality of translations in one's own language, this provides handy tools. You might have read Thread:Support/Using FlaggedRevs to allow reviewing translations and in particular this, it applies to you as well. :-) Nike is currently writing documentation, so if you have suggestions on things to cover and so on they'll be appreciated.

Nemo (talk)08:21, 2 February 2012

One question: I am under the impression that the review tool is a completely personal feature, meaning that even if a message is accepted by Translator-A it will still show up to Translator-B's tool as unreviewed one until B accepts or modifies it. Is that correct?

whym08:53, 2 February 2012

Yes, but the user will see that it's been reviewed by n other reviewers. This does not mean that it's a completely personal feature, only that everyone can choose what to work on, a review is not a quality rubberstamping exercise and the more reviews there are the better.

Nemo (talk)09:11, 2 February 2012

So you mean, even if no reviewer accepted it, the new translation shows up to users through LocalisationUpdate etc?

aokomoriuta (talk)04:03, 3 February 2012

Of course! This is how it's always worked and it will always be like this. The translation review had been introduced recently and its aim is not to be a filter (not here, at least). Please read mw:Help:Extension:Translate/Quality assurance.

Nemo (talk)08:34, 3 February 2012

I've read. Thank you!

aokomoriuta (talk)11:11, 5 February 2012