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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Anthere

@Verdy p: Maybe you know, why map don't seen in the Translating:ISA?

Kaganer (talk)07:09, 6 March 2022

Visibly this is not just this map, or any map anywhere (including Location maps on user pages), but the whole "Semantic Mediawiki" extension which is not working and instantly returns ... nothing, no queries, no status reports. (Even if it is still reported as being "installed" in Special:Version).

I've made some tests in a sandbox, initially there was nothing, but it "magically" reappeared in that sandbox.

Then when I looked at my user page, the map was shown again. It seems that the SemanticMediawiki database has crashed and had to be repaired by clearing it, or that a new version update caused that issue. It will take time to reparse user pages ang reindex their location, but it works again.

Edit: I had to make a "dummy edit" in the "Template:Location" to make it work again (apparently this is caused by a software version change, which changed a validation condition for queries, not admitting some empty parameters (that were used to hide some data columns in SQL-like queries: you can no longer asssign an empty name to a data column, if this happens, now the request returns nothing; as for returning results as a map (and not as a table) there's no need to name columns, and because now the map renderer ignores non-qualifiying data columns except the "coordinates", it was needed to restore that explicit name: a single "=" sign to remove in the data query).

Something occured during last night or this morning, but I don't know what happened exactly, but the change of behavior demonstrates that this is a version update in Semantic MediaWiki, installed last night (now it is version 4.0.1-beta, not the public release version 4.0.0). May be the admins on this site are making tests to fix other non-working things (notably the fact that is causing some pages to be locked permanently, until a specific refresh action is mode on locked pages: this is a very old bug reported since several years, still not fixed, but with some temporary workarounds): with this upgrade (to a beta version) this caused a bug on the map queries, and I just fixed it in the Location template after seeing a working solution in my sandbox.

Edit: after some delay, the maps are back and almost complete everywhere (background jobs of Semantic Wiki are still running for a few remaining user pages; I've checked many of them were correctly displaying the map, and categorized the users that are once again populating the maps on project pages, such as ISA and MediaWiki).

Verdy p (talk)10:24, 6 March 2022