DATETIME in Finnish

DATETIME in Finnish

Edited by author.
Last edit: 11:34, 2 July 2012

Thanks for your help with the Finnish translation of Waymarked Trails Nike! It seems the DATETIME format hasn't been specified in the Finnish localisation of django. DATE and TIME are though, so all that is left, is to combine them and submit a pull request on Github.

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)12:27, 28 June 2012

The way date and time are combined in MediaWiki in Finnish is "DATE kello TIME". I don't have time right now to make a patch.

Nike (talk)11:06, 2 July 2012

Ok, I made a commit. Testing it, it looks like this f.ex: "12. joulukuuta 2011 kello 12.12.12". Does that look ok?

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)21:58, 5 July 2012

Yes it does.

Nike (talk)16:16, 14 July 2012

Thanks. I've made a pull request on Github, but nobody has acted upon my pull request for Galician that was submitted 16 days ago, so I don't know if anything will happen to it.

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)19:17, 14 July 2012