Swedish OpenStreetMap translations

Swedish OpenStreetMap translations

Thank you for taking a look at the Swedish OpenStreetMap translations. If you need any additional information for translating, be sure to look in the right/top panel for descriptions. Otherwise, try searching on the OpenStreetMap Wiki (or get in touch with the OpenStreetMap community).

Danieldegroot2 (talk)08:50, 11 October 2021

Will do :)

Sabelöga (talk)14:53, 11 October 2021

I had translated "preferences" and "user preferences" differently from "settings". This is because there is a difference and they appear together when you click on your name in the top right of the website when logged in.

  • My Dashboard (shows friends and nearby contributors)
  • My Messages (your in- and outgoing private messages)
  • My Profile (which has a button "edit profile" to allow you to change your description, picture and home location.)
  • My Settings (allows changing name, e-mail, password, authentication, contribution, terms of use)
  • My Preferences (allows changing language(s), editor aka the program you edit the map with when clicking on "Edit" on the website)
  • Log out (the button which logs you out)

So right now you would get two options which would both say 'Mina inställningar'.

"User preferences" is the same as "preferences"; third-party applications ask for permission to read your preferences and use them.

I understand any concern that "settings" and "preferences" are basically the same, especially in any language other than English, this concern is shared by Simon Poole in this github issue.

Danieldegroot2 (talk)14:58, 12 October 2021

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I wasn't aware of that, but yes, the best thing would be if the distinction wasn't made, but in the mean time, preferenser and inställningar will have to do.

Sabelöga (talk)15:57, 12 October 2021

Forcen and riiga (both Swedish native) came up with "Alternativ" (in the direction of 'Options') which you may or may not have also seen appear in the translation list. I used "preferenser" initially, but this is in the direction of 'taste' of food/cars/etc.. "alternativ" was better in their opinion. What do you think?

Danieldegroot2 (talk)18:51, 13 October 2021

Tja, maybe "alternativ" would work better. And if others in the community thinks it works I won't object to it. Besides "preferenser" kinda sounds like an anglicism. So yeah, change to "alternativ" if you like.

Sabelöga (talk)01:21, 15 October 2021