Can you please translate the message Category-article-count (“{{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following page.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}}
”)? It's quite important and currently it's definitely broken.
Thank you.
Category translation done, please check if okay?
Your translation is probably OK, but you wrote it at the English page and not in Punjabi, so I had to revert it. Please write it at the correct page: MediaWiki:Category-article-count/pa.
You probably saw an incorrect URL because your interface language is English. Please change your interface language to Punjabi in the preferences.
Did you mean the language in "user profile" preferences (above signature setting)? Tari Buttar (talk) 10:47, 5 August 2012 (UTC)
First of all, it looks like now you translated the correct string. It will be visible on category pages in the Punjabi within a couple of days.
By preferences I mean your user preferences, which you can change by clicking "My preferences" near your username at the top of the page. Go there and select "pa - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ" in the "Language" menu. It will help you to work here, because you will see how the interface gradually changes to English as you are translating.
Didn't get you much. Please use simple english and always try to answer clearly according to my questions, please. For example as I asked , "did you mean the language in......"
you should first response to the question mark with yes or no then the the further talk. (sorry, sometimes I confused). Tari Buttar (talk)