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User talk:Aviator

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi Aviator. Welcome to Betawiki. Before you can use Special:Translate, and Special:Magic, please request translator rights at Betawiki:Translators. Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on. If you are going to be an active user here, please also add your name to the languages you will be working on at Translating:Languages. For an overview of the languages that are being worked on here, you can have a look at Translating:Developer log. Other useful pages can be Support and Import requests.

Once you have started translating, please remember to often request a commit of your translation work at Translating:Tasks. This makes the number of changes easier to handle for the devs.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 23:46, 22 December 2007 (UTC)

Most often used core messages

Hi Aviator. I would like to ask your attention to the untranslated messages in the message group most often used core messages. These are the messages that are most important in giving users a basic localised experience. For Malay, just a few are missing. Could you please concentrate your translation efforts first on that message group? Cheers! Siebrand 21:52, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

Kerja saya

Saya tidak mengikut sepenuhnya bahasa Inggeris, dan saya sesuaikan mengikut ciri. Tambahan lagi, saya gunakan ayat yang seringkas mungkin. "Wiki ini sedang menghadapi masalah", saya lihat tiada masalah dalam ayat ini. Ianya sama dengan "Wiki ini sedang dilanda masalah", sama seperti "Ali dilanda masalah" dan "Ali sedang menghadapi masalah", cuma penambahan "sedang" menunjukkan perkara tersebut berlaku pada masa itu. "Lipat" dan "bentang", tikar? "Sorok" dan "tunjuk" lebih sesuai. Isi kandungan disorokkan dan ditunjukkan, bukan dilipat atau dibentang. "Perenggan" bermaksud keseluruhan teks di dalam perenggan tersebut, jadi tidak perlu letak teks. Sekian. Kurniasan 15:43, 4 October 2008 (UTC)

Kalau saya yakin pun tidak semestinya betul. Perlukan maklum balas dari pengguna. Sekiranya ada ayat yang sukar difahami, perlu ditukar supaya lebih difahami. Kurniasan 19:09, 4 October 2008 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
ContentTranslation020:52, 7 April 2015




Can you please help translating the ContentTranslation extension? We are enhancing its deployment to the Malaysian Wikipedia, and I'd love it to be fully translated.

It's especially important to translate these messages:

Thank you very much!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)20:52, 7 April 2015