About [[Wikimedia:Wlmmobile-upload-monument-review/en]]

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Gomoko

Please leave user Gomoko a message who translated this string.

Michawiki (talk)13:47, 18 August 2012

OK Michawiki thank you. I think this message is on his string ;-D

Boniface (talk)15:06, 18 August 2012

D'après les dictionnaires, la traduction de upload est bien téléchargement (voir par ex. [1]); il n'y a pas de distinction de sens en français. "téléversement", je ne crois même pas que ce soit un mot qui existe!

Gomoko (talk)17:04, 18 August 2012

In French Wikipedia you will find in article Télechargement following paragraph:

"Alors que la langue anglaise fait la distinction respectivement par les mots download et upload, en français, télécharger est employé dans les deux sens, et pour insister sur un envoi de fichier on utilisera l'anglicisme uploader. L'Office québécois de la langue française a proposé[réf. nécessaire] le terme téléversement1, mais ce terme reste peu utilisé[évasif]."

That means:

  • Téléchargement is ambiguous: it means download and upload
  • Téléversement is not much used - it seems to be franco-canadian only.
Michawiki (talk)23:07, 18 August 2012

I agree; "téléversement" is not a french term, just a canadian barbarism. So, unless the traduction must be for canadian persons only, I prefer to use the right term, "téléchargement". To distinguish upload and download seems not very important; it's just a matter of direction. Elsewhere, I can use "téléchargement vers le serveur" or "téléchargement depuis le serveur", but it's quite heavy and not very useful; the context is generally sufficent.

Gomoko (talk)08:34, 19 August 2012

@Boniface: I didn't notice the information on the left next to these messages. Anyhow I can't get used to that I see also messages from talk pages here, not only messages from the support page.

Michawiki (talk)18:26, 18 August 2012

No problem. I'm neither so comfortable with the GUI (graphical user interface) here ;-) (Many different strings, 1)translations to do, 2)to read&check, 3)NewMessages and so on...) Did you find any help page in easy english I could read?

Boniface (talk)11:10, 24 August 2012

Left in the sidebar, under Navigation you will find the documentation. Some pages of it are available in French as well. Besides you should read the page Web Interface. It is available in French as well - choose it from the box Other languages:

On MediaWiki, there is a description of the Translate extension. Also this page is available in French.

Michawiki (talk)23:04, 24 August 2012

Thanx! Your help is welcome. Very nice of you. Best regards,

Boniface (talk)09:48, 25 August 2012