Question about Google Translation

Question about Google Translation

Are you thinking of bringing Google Translation back again? It used to be very useful for me. According to Project:News, "fix is in works" since last month.

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 16:29, 15 November 2011

It's on the plate, but needs work.

Nike (talk)17:17, 15 November 2011

Understood. Thanks!

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 17:19, 15 November 2011

Google translate API isn't free anymore, is it?

Rancher (talk)17:58, 15 November 2011

The v2 API is a paid service, indeed. We're currently trying to get Google to make it freely available for us.

Siebrand21:34, 15 November 2011

Actually the translation fetch url seems very easy to find, just use Network tab from Google Chrome. Maybe you could translation there?

Olli (talk)07:02, 25 December 2011

I don't know what you are talking about. v1 api is dead meat and we were hitting the limits anyway.

Nike (talk)12:23, 25 December 2011

Tarkotin, että voitaisiin käyttää samaa osoitetta jota Google käyttää sivun omille kyselyille.

Olli (talk)14:13, 25 December 2011

Google Translate Toolkit, this would help you to translate.

Rajil Kalmilkov (talk)04:53, 29 December 2011