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User talk:Ans

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi Ans. Welcome to Betawiki! Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on. If you are going to be an active user here, please also add your name to the languages you will be working on. Before you can use Special:Translate, and Special:Magic, please request translator rights. If you have a wiki where a lot of translations have already been made, you can make an import request. Other useful pages are linked in the translatewiki.net menu that comes with this message.

Once you have started translating, your work will be committed to the standard product every few days. If you want to explicitely request your work to be added, please make a request for commit.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 09:32, 6 February 2008 (UTC)

Documenting messages

Hi Ans. Thank you for working on message documentation. I would like to urgently request that you make more effort when documenting a message. You have to explain the context. Simply pointing to a location where the message is used is only part of our aim. So when documenting MediaWiki:Version-extensions/qqq, please do not only document it is being used on Special:Version, but explain that it is a header. This message is still very simple. Please check other message documentation for more examples. Please be very aware that message documentation is *all* about quality, never about quantity. Adding descriptions for description's sake is not what we need. Cheers! Siebrand 07:14, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

Hi Siebrand,

First, I want to make clear on what you are supposing. Let's comparing between following conditions,

  1. no documentation at all, and
  2. have documentations with only quantity (no quality)

Which one can provide more facility to the translators?

  1. the former provide more facility than the latter? or
  2. the latter provide more facility than the former? or
  3. both provide facility equally?

Second, I want to make clear what is your exact meaning in your above messages.

  1. Do you mean that the former provide more facility than the latter, then I should better not put any information at all, if it is just quantity, not quality?
  2. Or you mean that even "quantity" is at least better than "none", but I should make more effort to improve its quality. But if I have any limitation that cannot contribute quality document, then at least "quantity" is also welcome, even that it not much facilitate the translators, but at least it has a little more information than "none".
  3. Or you mean that even "quantity" provide a little more facility than "none", but more facility doesn't always mean that it is better, since it has other factors that must be considered. (If you mean this, could you please tell me those factors?)
  4. Or any other meaning ...

Which one is your exact meaning? Could you please clarify it to me?

Best regards,
--Ans 14:41, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

My opinion is that, mainly because of the way the translate module works, that currently no documentation is better than some very minor documentation. If you are particularly looking for messages that needs documentation, you will look at the list of untranslated messages for the language 'qqq'. The messages that only have a reference to the page where it is used, without further explanation, are then not shown. If we could somehow grade the quality of a message in /qqq, this would be resolved, but that seems overkill. My main plead is: if you document something, please try and document it in an excellent way immediately, because chances are it will take a long time before someone else will improve it... Thank you for understanding. Cheers! Siebrand 11:48, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Thai language

Hello, I really admire your hard work. However, I'm wondering if you revise those words before you save. Several of those are not typical Thai words. You might stop by at Thai Wikipedia community page to discuss in details.

If you're not Thai people, I apologize for this message. By the way, I really appreciate your help. Regards. --Manop 22:39, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

Again, do you mind to use "Thai" language for Thai translation. I would really appreciate that. No offense but I don't know how you and your group work around l10n in other software package. Thai Wikipedia and other MediaWiki project deserve Thai language, not just another chit-chat Thai. Thank you. --Manop 22:12, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Please show me the examples of non-typical "Thai" language, I've translated. I have never noticed that I use chit-chat Thai. Please suggest me, which words (that I've translated) you think it is chit-chat words? I apologize for that, if I've used chit-chat words inadvertently. --Ans (talk) 19:53, 20 May 2014 (UTC)
User:Manop, could you please show the example of my chit-chat Thai, so I could try to improve it. Thanks you. --Ans (talk) 09:36, 18 May 2017 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Edit war020:22, 19 October 2020
Edit war020:58, 22 June 2020
Local names of special pages011:47, 1 February 2020
List discussion in th.wikipedia011:45, 11 April 2018
คำแปลใหม่ยาวเกินไป008:51, 4 April 2018

I still remember well when you accused me of not listening to consensus, yet there had been one at https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/วิกิพีเดีย:สภากาแฟ/อภิปราย/เสนอคำแปลศัพท์ที่ใช้ในวิกิมีเดีย. Hypocrite much? Hopefully this is the last time for this issue, or someone should be notified of your behavior.

Horus (talk)20:22, 19 October 2020

Don't you have better things to do, other than keep making changes to established translations? You complaint that I made changes without consensus, yet here you are.

Horus (talk)20:58, 22 June 2020

Local names of special pages


Hi, Ans

In response to your query: it seems last time I was able to translate some of page names for {{ns:-1}}, here at Translatewiki.org, was on 2014-11-02T20:15:55‎ and on 2014-11-02T20:29:14‎. These pages are kept for historical interest.

At present time, you need to post extensive request at the Phabricator, here is one example how to make a successful request and categorize it properly: phab:T230829.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Bugoslav (razgovor) 12:47, 1. veljače 2020. (SEV)11:47, 1 February 2020

List discussion in th.wikipedia


The discussion regarding "list" in Thai Wikipedia is coming to conclusion. Thought you might be interested.

Horus (talk)11:45, 11 April 2018



ผมคิดว่าคุณควรมีความตระหนักว่าเวลาแปลคำยาว ๆ มันจะกินที่ครับ อย่าง user bar ด้านบนขวาของวิกิพีเดีย ถ้ายิ่งแปลยาวจะทำให้ดูไม่สวยงามเพราะมันจะเบียดมากลาง ๆ จอภาพเลยทีเดียว เพราะฉะนั้นหวังว่าจะเปลี่ยนไปใช้คำที่สั้นกว่าและกระชับกว่านะครับ

Horus (talk)08:51, 4 April 2018