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User talk:Pikne/LiquidThreads

From translatewiki.net
This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Wikidata:Menu Challenge006:56, 26 May 2015
ContentTranslation014:38, 16 May 2015
talkarchive015:17, 5 January 2015
Parandamine116:43, 20 June 2014
Testing new translation features018:38, 15 January 2013
Testing new translation features003:49, 27 December 2012
MantisBT: sure you have!111:30, 27 June 2010
ühtsust119:25, 1 January 2010

Wikidata:Menu Challenge


I noticed your contributions here during the Translation Rally, well done! I wanted to let you know about another contest that Wikimedia Sverige is organizing on Wikidata.org. In this contest the aim is to translate words related to food so that we can create multilingual menus that we will use at a food fare in a week to show the value of Open Data. You can read all about it here. We would really appreciate having the menus in your language. Also, there are some handy instruction videos available if you haven't worked on Wikidata before.

Kind regards,

Jopparn (talk)06:56, 26 May 2015



Can you please help translating the ContentTranslation extension? We are enhancing its deployment to the Estonian Wikipedia, and I'd love it to be fully translated.

Thank you very much!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)14:38, 16 May 2015


I think pywikibot should/will use wikidata entity for the talkarchive template in future to ensure the right template for several Projects. twn is good for i18n but it seems less suitable for L10N.

Xqt (talk)15:17, 5 January 2015


See on väga tore, et sa minu tõlkeid parandad, aga ole hea ja viska pilk uuesti peale sellele ja analüüsi vähe, kas parandasid ikka õigesti.

Lyrixn (talk)12:48, 20 June 2014

Parandasin, sest mõeldud on ilmselt, et piiranguteta on blocks, mitte võrgud. Aga õigesti vist tõesti ei saanud, sest nüüd panen veel tähele, et blocks peaks olema "plokid", mitte "blokeeringud". Kas saan õigesti aru ja nüüd võiks tõlkega rahule jääda?

Pikne16:43, 20 June 2014

Testing new translation features

Hi Pikne. We are testing some new ideas to improve the usability for the translation tools used at translatewiki.net and we want to hear from the community. If you are interested in trying some prototypes you can fill the participation form. Once you have filled the form, we'll contact you to perform a short testing session (less than 30 min. in total) during next weeks.


Pginer (talk)18:38, 15 January 2013

Testing new translation features

Hi Pikne , the translatewiki.net development team is about to roll out some major design improvements to the translator interface and also adding new features to help improve the productivity of translators. Since you are an expert translator, I would like to request you to help us test these new features and give us your feedback on them.

If you are interested, please take a minute to fill in this usability test participation form. Once you have filled the form, we'll contact you to perform a short testing session (less than 30 min. in total) during this or next week. Also feel free to share this with other active translators who would be interested to participate.


Planemad (talk)03:49, 27 December 2012

MantisBT: sure you have!

Actually, you have helped, even though it was only 1 translation so far[1] :).

Siebrand21:00, 26 June 2010

Heh, I didn't manage to find this edit from logs myself. Help it is then :).

Pikne11:30, 27 June 2010

eestikeelse Vikipeedia kasutaja eelistuste lehel on järjest:

  • Luba teistel kasutajatel mulle e-posti saata
  • Saada mulle koopiad e-mailidest
  • Teata meili teel

Üritame ühtsust või ühilduvust kuidagi saavutada? Ma ise eelistaksin e-posti sõnastust. aga ma ei ole kindel, et oskan neid otsida.

Avjoska14:40, 1 January 2010

Hea tähelepanek! Nüüd peaks hästi olema.

[1] Need ma olen siin varem ühildanud kujule Teisaldamislogi ja Kustutamislogi. Et see Vikipeedias välja paistaks tuleb kohalikke sõnumeid kustutada. Siin on toodud globaalsed sõnumid rohelisel taustal ja kohalikud kollasel. WikedKentaur kord juba kustutas sealt päris palju sõnumeid, aga mõned oleks veel vaja kustutada.

Pikne15:43, 1 January 2010