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User talk:Sborsody

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi Sborsody. Welcome to Betawiki. Before you can use Special:Translate, please request translator rights at Betawiki:Translators. Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on.

Once you have started translating, please remember to often request a commit of your translation work at Translating:Tasks. This makes the number of changes easier to handle for the devs.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 16:37, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

Does tyv need plural at all? If that is the case I should disable plural check for tyv language. – Nike (Talk) 20:15, 14 November 2007 (UTC)

Yes probably. It is only when using a number that plural isn't needed. "1 аът" (horse) or "5 аът", it doesn't matter. I wonder how the Hungarian localization translates those messages since the rule is the same in Hungarian. There was another message that had the word "category" in it and that needed a plural check because it didn't use a number... --Sborsody (Чугаалажыр) 20:55, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
I really need to learn more about what the variable is when using PLURAL. I put pagecategories as {{PLURAL:$1|Бөлүк|Бөлүктер}} but if $1 is a number it isn't necessary. --Sborsody (Чугаалажыр) 21:00, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
Just a follow up, it looks like the following system messages don't use numbers but use PLURAL so probably don't disable the check. cascadeprotected, cascadeprotectedwarning, permissionserrorstext, revdelete-selected, logdelete-selected --Sborsody 18:29, 16 November 2007 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
MediaWiki:Editinguser/tyv003:26, 4 February 2017
Deletions403:58, 28 July 2010

Do you have time to update it? It's FUZZYed for 6 years

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)03:26, 4 February 2017


during review of the daily translations as preparation for the export I fount deletions as this and a lot more. May I ask for the reasons? I have suspended your language from export until we have clarified this issue.

Raymond20:04, 25 July 2010

The messages are outdated and I deleted the ones where I don't have a full translation yet. If I'm reviewing translations in the translation tool, there's no option to filter for FUZZY messages. They get thrown in with the translated messages when such partial translations really need to be either considered together with the untranslated messages or on their own. There's no harm in deleting the partial translations for which I have no replacement.

Sborsody22:08, 25 July 2010

The change that you made has lead to the loss of my use of the filter on Special:Translate [1]. I would have preferred some other way of resolving any issue with the changes I made. For example, you haven't really explained why there is even an issue. I sit here this fine Sunday evening contemplating upon what other project I will spend my spare time on.

Sborsody02:31, 26 July 2010

Thanks for your answer. I appreciate your review very well. The issue with your kind of deletions is that they do no work due to technical restrictions with our serverside workflow of import and export. Your kind of deletions can be overwritten with the old translations by automatic synchronisations every time.

If you want to delete totally wrong translations please ask at Support with the message names. I have to handle it manually. If they are outdated but not totally wrong the FUZZY is enough.

Raymond06:41, 26 July 2010

Thanks for clarifying. I'll be away on vacation so please don't interpret my inactivity as a reaction to this.

Sborsody03:58, 28 July 2010