Color indicator for differences or non-matching words or characters

Color indicator for differences or non-matching words or characters

Would it be possible to have a functionality in the pop-up box for "Suggestions from translation memories and machine translation" that will highlight in a different color o shade which words, characters, or phrases differ if for example the suggested translation only matches the would be translation of message by 97.05% match. That would be helpful to minimize human error. This would be similar to the already existing functionality that says which symbols are missing or which "$1" etc are missing in draft translation before saving the page. Thanks.

AnakngAraw (talk)13:35, 11 July 2012

This is doable, but I'd like to find out whether it causes too much visual clutter or not.

Nike (talk)01:35, 14 July 2012

Hope it works. Right now, I have to read and compare translations so very carefully. And most of the time have to go back to translated message several times, many times, just to correct the wrong word/s, add the missing word/s, or even remove the unwanted word/s, and the like. Thank you in advance.

AnakngAraw (talk)02:13, 14 July 2012

Can you file a feature request on bugzilla?

Nike (talk)08:22, 19 July 2012

I have no idea how to really do that at the moment.

AnakngAraw (talk)02:20, 20 July 2012

Register on bugzilla: and file a new bug under MediaWiki extensions/Translate. Or, write a user story ("I want to be able to... so that..." etc.) and I'll file the bug for you.

Nemo (talk)04:23, 22 July 2012