English source messages not showing when translating

Need more info.

Nike (talk)21:15, 18 September 2012

As I type this, they are back. Not only were the source messages not showing, I got an error message when I used e.g. $1 even though the English source message did, too (the source messages were still visible in the translation lists; they did not show up when clicking on each individual message).

Njardarlogar (talk)21:29, 18 September 2012

This was probably related to a bug which Niklas fixed earlier.

Nemo (talk)22:23, 18 September 2012

To me, source English messages are visible for Mediawiki group (core) but not for Wikimedia extensions (ext-0-wikimedia)

Praveenp (talk)01:40, 21 September 2012

That's another issue, reported at Thread:Support/About Special:Translate, which Niklas has just fixed.

Nemo (talk)07:39, 21 September 2012