Message saving does not work but the extended editor does not reflect it.

Message saving does not work but the extended editor does not reflect it.

I've edited a message in the extended editor. When I wanted to store my edit, I got a message "invalid token" which happens to appear every now and then. Assuming that storing failed, I wanted to repeat my edit, closed the extended editor window, and called the extended editor again on the message. The extended editor showed the altered message, so i assumed the edit stored in the data base despite the error message.

When reloading the list of messages, it had the old unedited version of the message, however, and several other checks revealed that the altered message had not been stored in the data base.

This is both bewildering and misleading.


Purodha Blissenbach (talk)08:18, 18 October 2011

The dialogs are cached, which is the reason you see the text when opening it again.

Nike (talk)18:18, 12 November 2011

How about improving the "invalid token" to something directing the user to a more helpful action? Such as: "invalid token. Your edit is not saved, but may be buffered locally. You need to open a fresh edit window; then copy your edit to it, and save it if you wish."

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)13:36, 27 December 2012

The new translation editor is supposed to fix this.

Nike (talk)19:42, 29 December 2012

And now it does as far as I know. Markings this as fixed as we are not going to fix this in the old editor.

Nike (talk)12:25, 24 January 2013