Translating talk:Wikia
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These two messages:
- Recipes-template-user-species-label ("
"), and - Recipes-template-user-species-hint ("
are ambiguous and probably misleading (the English plural term "species" generally designates a set of natural species, like in Wikispecies, but I wonder if this is not instead an informal (and incorrect) abbrevation for "specialities", i.e. the topics on which a user is interested or specialized.
Really the tooltip hint (in the second message) should be more explicit with a more complete sentence.
Should be Content pages or just pages to avoid Wikipedia-centrism.
Actually, I don't think this one is a good idea. I do agree that this is Wikipedia-centrism, or rather -- Wikia-centrism, as we use the same terminology for stats.
And since this is probably only ever going to be used at Wikia, where the term is fixed and used all-over, changing this for added neutrality would be a bit of an overkill, IMHO.
Welcome-message-user ("Hi, welcome to {{SITENAME}}! Thanks for your edit to the [[:$1]] page.
Please leave a message on [[$2|my talk page]] if I can help with anything! $3
Now this massage create red links, see example:Обговорення_користувача:AS&oldid=1509
User: ???
Do we have an explanation of the meaning of the term "answer site" in message Autocreatewiki-page-title-answers ("Create a new Answers site
") and few related ones?
These are special wikis of the type, where you ask and answer questions.
Are the categries referred to in Autocreatewiki-category-label ("Category:
") and about 3 related messages, the usual categries of the wiki, having category pages, etc.? I suspect, this might be not so.
This may refer to the hub theme of a wiki (Gaming, Entertainment, Science, whatnot), but I cannot tell for sure.
If $1 is a number, this message needs plural support.
Editpagelayout-notificationsLink ("<span>$1</span> {{PLURAL:$1|Notification|Notifications}}
This message needs plural support.
Answers-category-count-unanswered ("This category contains $1 unanswered {{PLURAL:$1|question|questions}}.
This message needs plural support.
Answers-category-count-answered (“This category contains $1 answered {{PLURAL:$1|question|questions}}.
What is "share" in the message group MediaWiki:wikia-adss? Almost all translators of the languages I can read understand it as the kind of shares that you purchase, when you buy youself into a public company, which are traded at stock echanges, etc.. Adss-form-banner-plan-price ("$1 for one share of the banners
") imho suggests a share of banner views in a specific position. Maybe, it is even either, depending on the individual message. We need message documentation!
Needs correct punctuation. See for details.
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia
- Closed support requests for Wikia