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Translating talk:Wikia

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Recipes-template-user-species-label, Recipes-template-user-species-hint110:50, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Awc-metrics-articles/en410:49, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Welcome-message-user/en110:48, 22 February 2022
Wikia:Autocreatewiki-page-title-answers/en210:48, 22 February 2022
Wikia:Autocreatewiki-category-label/en210:48, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Editpagelayout-notificationsLink/en110:47, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Answers-category-count-unanswered/en110:47, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Answers-category-count-answered/en110:47, 22 February 2022
[{{fullurl:Special:Translate|group=wikia-adss}} MediaWiki:wikia-adss-*]110:44, 22 February 2022
About Wikia:Wall-recentchanges-thread-group/en116:46, 4 March 2015
About Wikia:Wikia-visualeditor-dialog-wikiamapinsert-empty-headline/en021:05, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-hubs-slot-more-links/en021:05, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-stats-edits-default-label/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-stats-total-pages-label/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-marketing-not-complete/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-marketing-invalid-height/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-marketing-invalid-size/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Manage-wikia-home-marketing-invalid-width/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Forum-board-id-validation-missing/en020:52, 15 February 2015
About Wikia:Forum-board-title-validation-invalid/en020:52, 15 February 2015
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Recipes-template-user-species-label, Recipes-template-user-species-hint

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 15:20, 26 December 2010

These two messages:

  • Recipes-template-user-species-label ("Species"), and
  • Recipes-template-user-species-hint ("Species"),

are ambiguous and probably misleading (the English plural term "species" generally designates a set of natural species, like in Wikispecies, but I wonder if this is not instead an informal (and incorrect) abbrevation for "specialities", i.e. the topics on which a user is interested or specialized.

Really the tooltip hint (in the second message) should be more explicit with a more complete sentence.

Verdy p00:34, 20 November 2010

These two are no longer used. Removed from code. The whole extension will be removed once all languages are ported to UPP V3. No date on that yet, though.

TOR (talk)20:20, 2 February 2012

Should be Content pages or just pages to avoid Wikipedia-centrism.

EugeneZelenko15:12, 25 February 2010
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 16:44, 15 August 2020

Same for Awc-metrics-article-avg-size ("Avg. art.<br />size").

EugeneZelenko15:15, 25 February 2010

In the works.

Avatar15:27, 3 March 2010

Actually, I don't think this one is a good idea. I do agree that this is Wikipedia-centrism, or rather -- Wikia-centrism, as we use the same terminology for stats.

And since this is probably only ever going to be used at Wikia, where the term is fixed and used all-over, changing this for added neutrality would be a bit of an overkill, IMHO.

TOR15:52, 3 March 2010

Sounds sane. Feel free to use different - preferably consistent - terminology in your translations, though.

Siebrand16:11, 3 March 2010
Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 21:11, 8 July 2011

Welcome-message-user ("Hi, welcome to {{SITENAME}}! Thanks for your edit to the [[:$1]] page.
Please leave a message on [[$2|my talk page]] if I can help with anything! $3

Now this massage create red links, see example: http://uk.udp.wikia.com/index.php?title=Обговорення_користувача:AS&oldid=1509

User: ???

Тест21:11, 8 July 2011

That sounds like a bug in the user that welcomes. Please use Wikia channels. There is nothing wrong with the L10n.

Siebrand13:31, 18 July 2011
Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 17:30, 29 April 2011

Do we have an explanation of the meaning of the term "answer site" in message Autocreatewiki-page-title-answers ("Create a new Answers site") and few related ones?

Purodha Blissenbach17:30, 29 April 2011

These are special wikis of the type answers.wikia.com, where you ask and answer questions.

CH17:37, 29 April 2011

Thank you. Added it to message documentation.

Purodha Blissenbach01:46, 30 April 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 17:24, 29 April 2011

Are the categries referred to in Autocreatewiki-category-label ("Category:") and about 3 related messages, the usual categries of the wiki, having category pages, etc.? I suspect, this might be not so.

Purodha Blissenbach17:24, 29 April 2011

This may refer to the hub theme of a wiki (Gaming, Entertainment, Science, whatnot), but I cannot tell for sure.

CH17:39, 29 April 2011

In this case, "category" means a "hub", like CH suggested above, otherwise called a "vertical" – a grouping of wikis around a similar topic, e.g. Gaming, Entertainment, etc.

TOR (talk)03:34, 18 February 2012
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 10:47, 22 February 2022

If $1 is a number, this message needs plural support.

Editpagelayout-notificationsLink ("<span>$1</span> {{PLURAL:$1|Notification|Notifications}}")

Siebrand15:13, 21 August 2011

Checked code. It is. Bug ticket filed.

Avatar23:15, 22 August 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 10:47, 22 February 2022

This message needs plural support.

Answers-category-count-unanswered ("This category contains $1 unanswered {{PLURAL:$1|question|questions}}.")

Siebrand15:19, 21 August 2011

Filed a bug ticket. Should be corrected soon.

Avatar22:47, 22 August 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 10:47, 22 February 2022

This message needs plural support.

Answers-category-count-answered (“This category contains $1 answered {{PLURAL:$1|question|questions}}.”)

Siebrand15:17, 21 August 2011

Filed a bug ticket. Should be corrected soon.

Avatar22:47, 22 August 2011

[{{fullurl:Special:Translate|group=wikia-adss}} MediaWiki:wikia-adss-*]

Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 21:40, 25 April 2011

What is "share" in the message group MediaWiki:wikia-adss? Almost all translators of the languages I can read understand it as the kind of shares that you purchase, when you buy youself into a public company, which are traded at stock echanges, etc.. Adss-form-banner-plan-price ("$1 for one share of the banners") imho suggests a share of banner views in a specific position. Maybe, it is even either, depending on the individual message. We need message documentation!

Purodha Blissenbach21:40, 25 April 2011

This extension is no longer supported.

TOR (talk)02:36, 6 February 2012

This message could really do with an example.

Nike (talk)18:44, 19 October 2014

I made one up.

PtM (talk)16:46, 4 March 2015

"More in..." should probably be in int:key reference.

Siebrand14:14, 15 November 2014

"Changes today" should probably be an int:key reference.

Siebrand14:20, 15 November 2014

"Total Pages" should probably be an int:key reference.

Siebrand14:21, 15 November 2014

This strings appears to be grammatically incorrect. It also lacks qqq.

Siebrand14:17, 15 November 2014

Using named variables is unconventional in MediaWiki. We use numbered variables.

Siebrand14:16, 15 November 2014

Using named variables is unconventional in MediaWiki. We use numbered variables.

Siebrand14:16, 15 November 2014

Using named variables is unconventional in MediaWiki. We use numbered variables.

Siebrand14:16, 15 November 2014

ID should be in capitals.

Siebrand14:12, 15 November 2014

Needs correct punctuation?

Siebrand14:09, 15 November 2014
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