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User talk:Chelin

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Hi Chelin. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 13:33, 29 March 2013 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
vuje119:12, 2 September 2014
Your help is appreciated216:04, 31 December 2013
Hi020:53, 12 April 2013

Uè Chelin comme staje? Te faccio n'osservazione pecché penzo c'aggio fatto nu poco nu guaio (Io da solo haha). Mò mò me song'arricurdato che pe' parlà nu computer a na perzona avess'ausà 'o vuje (riggistro furmale: comme vulite fà?) e pe' parlà na perzona a nu computer avesse sulamente 'a cumannà (imperativo nfurmale: fà chesto / scancella chesta / calcola chesto... ecc...). Tienelo a mmente si vide cocch'errore mio int'a stu senso... pe' piacere... curregge curregge, e statt'accuorto a 'e suggerimente italiane pecché 'o "lei" nun se scrive quase int'a nu software italòfono... però a nuje... 'o "vuje" è nu poco cchiù naturale... e l'utente nuoste l'avissemo 'a trattà c' 'o vuje. Chest'è! Statt bbuon!

C.R. (talk)10:22, 2 September 2014

Cià C.R.! Tutt' a posto, grazzie. Nun c'è prublema, se veco 'n errore 'o cagno!

Bona jurnata e a priesto! Cià cià

Chelin (talk)19:12, 2 September 2014

Your help is appreciated

Hi there :) I just want to let you know that your help would be appreciated to finish translations in Neapolitan for MediaWiki's VisualEditor software. The current progress is 49%. Also, if you feel like you want to walk an extra mile, please check if this language needs further help with the tasks listed at mw:VisualEditor/TranslationCentral#To_do. Thanks, and happy 2014!

In soldoni, serve una manina perché le traduzioni dell'interfaccia sono ancora sotto la metà :/ Grazie per qualunque aiuto potrai dare!
Elitre (talk)13:40, 31 December 2013

Hello, I'll see what I can do, but I'm a little busy at the moment... However, I think I can help a little bit! Bye and Merry Christmas (late) and a happy New Year!

Chelin (talk)15:38, 31 December 2013

Add the link to your bookmarks/put it on your to-do list ;)

Elitre (talk)16:04, 31 December 2013

I've been moving some translations from nap.wikipedia, but I found a few inconsistencies. Would you mind checking them? In particular, sometimes I see "categoria", "categurìa", etc. What's the best spelling?

PiRSquared17 (talk)20:53, 12 April 2013