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User talk:Faren

From translatewiki.net

Hi Faren. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 12:13, 6 August 2013 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Thank you from Blockly!022:50, 20 December 2013
MediaWiki:Right-transcode-reset/pl220:37, 14 August 2013
English015:26, 6 August 2013

Thank you from Blockly!


Thank you for contributing to the Polish Blockly translation, which is now complete, although it will take a few days to go live. We would like to publicly thank you. Please let us know how you would like to appear on our credits page.

Ellen Spertus (talk)22:50, 20 December 2013

Czy możesz wyjaśnić tą edycję?

Rzuwig18:52, 12 August 2013

Jest to pewna funkcja konwertera, a ponieważ miałem już do czynienia z konwerterami, uważam że przetłumaczone zdanie brzmi sensownie.

Faren (talk)21:10, 13 August 2013

Przecież to nie jest poprawne gramatycznie - zwykły autotranslator. Takie tłumaczenie podpowiadało samo TW przy tworzeniu hasła. Zwracaj bardziej uwagę na to co zatwierdzasz. To się wyświetla we wszystkich projektach, więc poprawność stylistyczna jest wysoce zalecana.

Rzuwig20:37, 14 August 2013

Impressive that you learnt English all alone, great to have you here.

Nemo (talk)15:26, 6 August 2013