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User talk:JtFuruhata

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Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi JtFuruhata. Welcome to Betawiki! Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on. If you are going to be an active user here, please also add your name to the languages you will be working on. Before you can use Special:Translate, and Special:Magic, please request translator rights. If you have a wiki where a lot of translations have already been made, you can make an import request. Other useful pages are linked in the translatewiki.net menu that comes with this message.

Once you have started translating, your work will be committed to the standard product every few days. If you want to explicitely request your work to be added, please make a request for commit.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! SPQRobin 12:05, 7 February 2008 (UTC)


こんにちは。Marine-Blueと申します。いつも精力的なローカライズ作業お疲れ様です。しかしながら見ているとどこまで状況を把握しておられるのか疑問に思う点も何点かあります。例えばTitle Blacklistですが、これはUsernameblacklistなどと同様に指定文字列を含むタイトルを禁止することが出来るようなのであの文言は適切でないように思えます。英語のインターフェースもない状況からどうやってあのような文言を書き出したのでしょうか…。


あとこれは仕方ないことなのですが、昨年末にja-NのtranslatorやMediaWiki.orgの日本語ドキュメント翻訳者(アクティブな人のみ)の間で行われた話し合いによりextensionの訳語は「エクステンション」とせずに「拡張機能」とすべきでないかと言う意見が上がっています(参考:mw:User talk:Schu)。なのでインターフェースにあるextensionという単語を日本語に置き換える場合はエクステンションよりも拡張機能とするほうが好ましいのではないかと思います。--Marine-Blue [ talk contribs ] 12:57, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Marine-Blueさん、ご指摘ありがとうございます。Title Blacklistの件、こちらの単純な誤訳で、訂正しておきました。
以上、今後ともよろしくお願いします。--jt 14:31, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Where did you go?

Hi. You have been extremely active in February 2008, and somehow you vanished after that. That is too bad, as people with experience are a very valuable asset in localisation. I do hope that you are able to return on a regular basis to review and help keep the Japanese localisations to (almost) complete. Thank you for your help! Siebrand 09:03, 18 October 2008 (UTC)

Babel extension on Betawiki

Hoi, we are implementing the Babel extension on Betawiki.. Would you please help us localise it for us in Japanese ? Thanks, GerardM 11:24, 8 November 2008 (UTC)

23 translators and Japanese still in pretty bad shape

Hi. I am writing a nosy note to all Japanese translator. This is because I see that 23 users have got translator rights for Japanese, and the Japanese localisation for almost all of the products we have at Betawiki is still in quite an awful shape. I am wondering if you have any ideas why this could be? We usually see here that a locale can be flourishing when only a handful of translators are working on it, or even just one or two. If you think I can help out somewhere, please let me know. I would also urge you to take reponsibility, and make an effort you raise the completeness and quality of the Japanese localisation for the products that we have here. You can talk with your fellow Japanese translators on Portal_talk:Ja, and general support requests can be asked on Support. I hope to see many contributions and/or ideas by you soon. Cheers! Siebrand 16:17, 17 December 2008 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
MediaWiki名前空間の翻訳104:53, 17 May 2010


Thread:Portal talk:Ja/名前空間の翻訳、そろそろ再開しましょうで、懸案であったMediaWikiの名前空間の翻訳を再開しようと提案しています。ご意見等ありましたら、よろしくお願いします。

aokomoriuta08:50, 28 April 2010

Portal:Ja/お知らせや、mediawiki-lおよび/mediawiki-i18n mediawiki-i18nでお知らせした通り、 Thread:Portal talk:Ja/名前空間の翻訳、そろそろ再開しましょうの議論の結果、MediaWikiの日本語の名前空間名が変更されました。



aokomoriuta04:53, 17 May 2010