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Hi Laurentianus. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

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-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 13:14, 14 December 2015 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
redāctiō "revision"207:44, 16 May 2020

redāctiō "revision"

Heus, Laurentiāne! Videō tē nōnnūllīs locīs prō illō quod Anglicē "revision" dīcitur ac latīnē "ēmendātiō" fuerat redācitōnem posuisse. Quam rem tē falsō fēcisse putō, nam nec redigere nec redāctiōnem ūsquam dē scrīptīs ēmendandīs pōnī inveniō. Immō [vidētur significāre ] "to restore; to reduce, abridge". [Ecce quae] Smith&Hall prōpōnunt - quārum quidem maxumē placet recēnsiō, quia hīc in Vicimediīs rēvērā rēs cōgitātiōne retractāre solēmus. Retractātiō minus placet quod dē longiōribus dissertātiōnibus dīcī vidētur. Ēmendātiō nimis strictō sensū sūmī putō - quippe cum nōn sōlum menda tollāmus, magisque scrīpta ēlabōrēmus. Quid putās? Sī quendam fontem habēs quī redāctiōnem probet, quaesō ostendēs. Sī minus, velim mē certiōrem faciās tē nihil recūsāre quīn in recēnsiōnem ēmendem.

Unbrutal (talk)14:52, 14 May 2020

Salve, Unbrutal! Primo intuitu etiam terminus recensionis placet. Per me igitur liceat! Amice fecisti, qui istam mutationem proposueris disputandam. Vale. Laurentianus (talk) 15:19, 14 May 2020 (UTC)

Laurentianus (talk)15:19, 14 May 2020

Salvete! In my view, we should find different words for different concepts. Please see wikipedia:la:Usor:UV/MediaWiki l10n/Glossary, in particular the lines "edit" (edit to a page, which describes the process of changing a page, not a state of a page – I have used recensio here) and "revision"/"version" (= a state of a page at a given point in time. Every successful edit results in a new revision – I have used emendatio here).

If we use recensio for "revision", which term will we use for "edit"? recensio as well? In my view, it would be better to use different words for different concepts. Please see wikipedia:la:Usor:UV/MediaWiki l10n/Glossary.

Ut valeatis optime!

UV (talk)07:44, 16 May 2020