User talk:Pierpao

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Hi Pierpao. Welcome to!

You can now start translating.

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-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 21:16, 20 September 2017 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Maiuscolo/minuscolo dei link del Menu utente407:37, 7 October 2022
Topic121:40, 11 March 2022

Maiuscolo/minuscolo dei link del Menu utente

Ciao Pierpao, ho visto che stai annullando alcune mie modifiche. Cerco di spiegarti perché ho messo le maiuscole: alcuni link del menu utente del tema Vector 2022 erano in maiuscolo, altri in minuscolo, come segnalato qui. Ho uniformato secondo lo standard delle altre lingue. In Vector 2022 tutti i link iniziano in maiuscolo, quindi non ha senso che questi qui, e tra l'altro solo in parte, siano in minuscolo. Fammi sapere perché invece secondo te vanno in minuscolo. Buon wiki,

Patafisik WMF (talk)14:05, 6 October 2022

Ti ho pingato su it Wikipedia, in dove ne stiamo discutendo. Se vogliamo tutte maiuscole deve essere anche per gli ip, altrimenti si sentono "diversi", comunque ne discutiamo là. user:Patafisik WMF

Pierpao (talk)14:10, 6 October 2022

Note to Parafisik: there's no "standard" applicable to all languages about how they capitalize words. Many translators don't care about this and are imitating the English practices, but they are not universal: you must still translate using the normal rules applicable to documents written in your language, without taking care about what other languages do.

Letter case has a meaning and it is even extremely strict (e.g. in German where it is dictated by the grammatical type of words), or prefered in a way very different than what is used in English and often abused (like capitaliznig everything as if they were titles); for actual artwork titles, which should be registered by some artistic authors (like artworks, book titles, articles and essays) English authors often uses many more capitals than needed. For isolated words, there's usually no need to capitalize them, unless they are part of a vertical list, or menu items; in Wikimedia wikis, most action verbs that are shown in horizontal lists (and not used as buttons) are not capitalized (not even in English), notably if they are "lateral" to the main content (this includes action verbs or links inserted for the UI within the content, such as "edit", "history", "talk", "help", "report", "note", and refs... that should not be emphasized at all).

So use the strict minimal number of capital letters that best respects the language semantics, and DO NOT consider what other languages are doing (not even English). Consider also that other scripts are not necessarily bicameral. Unicameral script includes the Georgian alphabets, where changing from one alphabet to another is not governed by any capitalization rules, but by the need to give emphase to words or sentences (it works more or less like the use of the "italic" or "smallcaps" styles for the Latin script). The "allcaps" should be strictly limited to give very strong notices limited to one word such as "WARNING", or "STOP", but in all other cases, Latin letter case should follow the normal grammar, but there's no equivalent in unicameral scripts. Each script has its prefered way to offer emphasis (using "em" and "strong" can map them to different font styles, not necessarily italic and bold).

Verdy p (talk)15:08, 6 October 2022

Hi @Verdy p: Thanks for details. Anyway, now there is no consistency, only those links in the Main menu are not capitalized. On Italian Wikipedia, on the whole page any other link is capitalized, both with Vector 2010 and Vector 2022 skins.

Patafisik WMF (talk)15:47, 6 October 2022

@Verdy p: Please, take a look to my screenshots here. Download as PDF, Upload on Commons, What links here, Beta, Translations, etc. All those links in the Italian Wikipedia are displayed with capital letters, both in Vector then in Vector 2022.

Patafisik WMF (talk)07:37, 7 October 2022

Ciao Pierpao, ho visto che hai annullato le modifiche in:

oltre che più appropriato come traduzione, sarei per usare "argomento" anziché "discussione" in modo da mantenere la coerenza con altri messaggi.

Beta16 (talk)09:57, 11 March 2022

In tutti i progetti Wikimedia si è sempre usato parlare di discussione e non argomento. Infatti è partita da lì la richiesta. Se vai in in cima è scritto aggiungi discussione da molti anni, quindi non c'è motivo per cambiare dicitura sotto. In realtà andrebbero corretti tutti in "discussione" user:Beta16. Altrimenti dobbiamo modificare anche le diciture nei menu, ma non so se la comunità è d'accordo.

Pierpao (talk)18:42, 11 March 2022