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User talk:Robin Owain

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Hi Robin Owain. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 05:09, 14 July 2012 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Wrong language508:02, 13 July 2021
ContentTranslation009:46, 9 June 2015

Wrong language

Hi Robin Owain, I have seen that you are translating a lot into en-gb. I think you are using the wrong language. en-gb is the British variant of English. Not cy you were translating previously. Sadly I have to delete the wrong translation later today.

Raymond12:01, 12 July 2021

I followed an email link requesting that I translate the Most Important translations. My language code has always been cy. How has this changed to en-gb? Also, the usual interface was suggesting Welsh translations to me, no other language. Ho would my preferences have been changed? Then changed back?! Something's not right here.

Is there a bot which can change my edits to cy? Then delete en-gb?

Robin Owain (talk)12:46, 12 July 2021

When I edited yesterday and today (+700 edits), the top right had a 'Translate to Welsh'. Still has. Tried another edit now it's ok (cy). So turned it to en-gb and has now turned it back. Someone is messing around with my settings.

Robin Owain (talk)12:56, 12 July 2021

oops - 'So SOMEONE turned it to en-gb and has now turned it back to cy. '

Robin Owain (talk)12:57, 12 July 2021

No-one can change your language settings besides yourself. I checked a bunch of your new translations to see if moving would to cy would be possible but all checked translation exist in cy since years. So sadly I do have to mass-delete your translations into en-gb.

Raymond16:38, 12 July 2021

Thanks for your help. I logged in this morning, and got a message: 'Your language has now been changed from en-gb to Welsh. That confirms that my settings have been compromised. I've had many messages over the years that many attempts to log in under my name have happened. It seems this time someone has been successful. This is my last edit on translatewiki.net. Robin Owain (talk) 08:02, 13 July 2021 (UTC)

Robin Owain (talk)08:02, 13 July 2021



Can you please help complete the translation of the ContentTranslation extension? It is being deployed to the Welsh Wikipedia this week, and it would be great to have it fully translated.

Thank you very much!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)09:46, 9 June 2015