User talk:Arystanbek

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Translating offline

Hi Arystanbek. Welcome to!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- New user message (talk) 07:32, 22 June 2013 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Бұрыс аудармалар713:10, 15 September 2022
MediaWiki:Restricted-displaytitle-ignored/kk105:51, 8 October 2016
About User:Arystanbek821:25, 30 May 2015
About the translation rally114:53, 29 May 2015
Are you sure you know Turkish?712:51, 27 May 2015
Lütfen Türkçe sayfaları çevirmeyiniz.111:29, 26 May 2015
Invalid rally claim114:16, 18 May 2015

Бұрыс аудармалар

Кейбір аудармаларым (СеніңШешең және Darzz тіркелгілерімнен) шегіндірілген еді. Олар бұрынғы нұсқалардағы орфографиялық, синтаксистік немесе лексикалық қателерді түзетіп, жалпы қарағанда жақсырақ болғаны үшін, оларды жоймай-ақ қойсаңыз жақсы болар еді.

Darzz (talk)14:17, 12 September 2022

Уақыт бөліп, Уикипедияның локализациясын жақсартуға тырысып жүрмін. Сіздің шегіндірулеріңізден кейін оларды қайтарған одан да көп уақыт алады.

Darzz (talk)14:20, 12 September 2022

Қаншама аудармаларды бүлдіргенсіз, енді оның бәрін дұрыстап шығу керек. Мен 7-8 жылдан бері аударып келе жатқан тәжірибелі аудармашымын, телеграм топта сіздің аудармаларыңызға басқа қатысушылар шағымданып жазып жатыр. Мен оларды қайтадан түзетіп шығам деп уәде бердім. Егер өзіңіздікін дұрыс санасаңыз, сілтеме бойынша топқа қосылып өзіңіздікін дәлелдеңіз, интерфейс аудармасындағы даулы түйткілдерді бір ғана адам емес бірлесіп шешім шығару керек. Сіз мысалға сілтемелерді бұзып жатырсыз. [[Уикипедия:VisualEditor]] анықтама бетіне сілтенуі керек [[Уикипедия:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] сілтемесін [[Уикипедия:Визуалды өңдегіш|Визуалды өңдегіш]] деп өзгертіп жоқ бетке сілтеп қойғансыз, енді қатысушыларды сол сілтеме арқылы өтіп анықтама бетімен танысып шығу мүмкіндігінен айырдыңыз.

Arystanbek (talk)06:40, 14 September 2022

Сілтемені бұзғаным үшін кешірім сұраймын, бірақ өңдемелерім үзілді-кесілді бүлдіру деп айтпағаныңыз жөн. Көптеген жол бұрыс аударылған. Мысалы, copy деген есе емес, көшірме, source деген қайнар емес, (бастапқы) код немесе көз.

Darzz (talk)11:16, 15 September 2022

Менің де аудармада тәжірибем бар, бірақ мен мұны аргумент ретінде қолданбаймын.

Darzz (talk)11:17, 15 September 2022

Көшірменің түбірі көш, көшкенде орынында ештеңе қалмайды, ал еселенгенде орынында да жаңа орынында да пайда болады, қиып алып (cut) жаңа орынға ауыстырсаң көшкен немесе орынын жылжытқан болады инглизше move, copy еселеу, cut and move and paste көшіру болады.

Arystanbek (talk)11:21, 15 September 2022

Қане сілтеме?

Darzz (talk)11:18, 15 September 2022


MediaWiki:Restricted-displaytitle-ignored/kk деген бет керек секілді. Орысшасы - Страницы с проигнорированными заглавиями показа деп аударылады екен, қазақшасын тапсақ, kk:Санат:Pages with ignored display titles атауын реттер едік. Нұрлан Рахымжанов (talk) 06:45, 5 October 2016 (UTC)

Нұрлан Рахымжанов (talk)06:45, 5 October 2016

MediaWiki:Restricted-displaytitle-ignored/kk-cyrl аударып қойдым, бірақ асығыс жасалғандықтан қате болуы мүмкін кеңшілік кезде тағы бір қарап дұрыстап қоярмын.

Arystanbek (talk)05:51, 8 October 2016

Hello. Please remove the User:Arystanbek's all Turkish translations. Because (s)he doesn't know Turkish. His translations are machine. Thanks.

Meelo (talk)22:21, 25 May 2015

I can speak Turkish language, I have learnt it when i was school. I graduated from Turkish school. And also turksih and kazakh languages age a little bit same. I think I have right to translate in Turkish language.

Arystanbek (talk)22:33, 25 May 2015

What?! Google is making translation better than you!

Meelo (talk)22:45, 25 May 2015

Hello Arystanbek, please don't translate languages you don't speak natively. Turkish is not even in your babel, how do you justify this sudden decision to translate in Turkish?

I have temporarily removed your translator rights waiting for confirmation that you will only translate in your native languages in the future (as you already said about Turkish) and that you are ready to help removing your Turkish translations.

Nemo (talk)07:46, 30 May 2015

I will do my best, if I get translator right back. I promise to translate only my native language. Please give me the translator right back.

Arystanbek (talk)16:27, 30 May 2015

Ok, thanks. Now, all your translations in /tr which have not yet been edited should be prepended with !!FUZZY!! so that translators can easily update them.

Nemo (talk)20:59, 30 May 2015

Really. User's translation is not correct. The MediaWiki software can damage the Turkish language. I warn the user. But your alert I in, I think it would be correct. Thank you.

Incelemeelemani (talk)23:32, 25 May 2015

Ooooooo. I thought I could edit what they do. However, this is impossible. All the user needs to be taken back to the Turkish contribution.

Incelemeelemani (talk)23:44, 25 May 2015

About the translation rally

Hi Arystanbek. First off, I want to thank you for the many contributions you have made for kk-cyrl in the past few years, and especially in the past week. You have participated in the translation rally, and previously I have considered your claim valid. However, as the rally progressed, your editing to languages other than kk-cyrl has caused some concerns; the edits to Turkisk in particular. You made the following new contributions to languages other than kk-cyrl: ky:204, tr:583, mn:225. It is my opinion that this was probably unwise. In crowd sourcing, quality is very important. Probably even more important than quantity. Please also consider this is a matter of pride for you personally. You are credited for translations, and people using the software you translated base part of their opinion about the software on the quality of the work you did. It is likely that your contributions to the other languages consist mainly of inserts of machine translations suggestions or translations memory suggestions; there is nothing wrong with that in principle, just as long as one is capable of assessing if the suggestions are correct, which appears was not the case here.

Because of this, I have decided to disqualify you in the translation rally. You are not eligible for a part of the bounty. I'm sorry that I had to make this decision, but these events are not meant to game the system, and I'm very alert at this issue. I hope you understand, and I hope you will continue to contribute here with quality and pride. Thank you for your understanding.

Siebrand09:41, 29 May 2015

Thanks for comments. But there wasn't alerted about translate in another language. In past rally rule, there was included about contributing to another language (Project:Rally-2011-04#Rules). If there were rules, I wouldn't contribute to other language. Also, I have made over 4000 translation during the rally for kk-cyrl. And to my mind my labor to kazakh language must be valued. I didn't made translations for money, but I spent most of my time for rally. I apologize for translations mistakes in other languages.

Arystanbek (talk)14:53, 29 May 2015

Are you sure you know Turkish?

Are you sure you know Turkish?

Meelo (talk)22:27, 25 May 2015

Elbette (Yes of couse)

Arystanbek (talk)22:34, 25 May 2015

Elbette mi? Yıllardır ben başka dil mi konuşuyorum yoksa?

Meelo (talk)00:00, 26 May 2015

Elbette mi? Yıllardır ben başka dil mi konuşuyorum yoksa?

Meelo (talk)00:00, 26 May 2015

User:Arystanbek_46925 Lütfen cevap verin!

Meelo (talk)00:01, 26 May 2015

Arystanbek, I don't know Turkish and I cannot judge how well do you know it, but people are complaining, so please avoid translating to it if you don't know it well. Please get an agreement from the Turkish translation community before continuing. If you continue to translate without agreement I will have to take your translation rights, and it's something that I really don't like doing.

There are plenty of messages to translate to Kazakh, so I suggest that you focus on a language that you know well.

Thanks for understanding.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)10:52, 26 May 2015

I agree with you. I apologize for translating without permisson of Turkish tranlators. It won't happen again. Thanks for comment.

Arystanbek (talk)11:09, 26 May 2015

All the Arystanbek's Turkish contributions must be removed immediately.

Meelo (talk)14:05, 26 May 2015

At this point it's much easier to just correct them. Thanks for understanding.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)12:51, 27 May 2015

Lütfen Türkçe sayfaları çevirmeyiniz.

Sizden rica ediyorum. Lütfen Türkçe sayfaları çevirmeyiniz. Çünkü çevirileriniz gerçekten uygun değil ve haftalık olarak uygulamalar güncelleniyor. Böyle yapmaya devam ettiğiniz takdirde MediaWiki yazılımına büyük zarar vermiş olacaksınız. Teşekkürler.

Incelemeelemani (talk)23:30, 25 May 2015

Üzgünüm. Bundan sonra böyle olmayacak ve Türk çevirmenlerinen özür diliyorum.

Arystanbek (talk)11:29, 26 May 2015

Invalid rally claim

Hi. Your claim for a cut in the rally bounty is unfortunately not yet valid. See the rally page for a detailed reason.

Siebrand13:48, 18 May 2015
Arystanbek (talk)14:16, 18 May 2015