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Translating:MediaWiki/Basic glossary/cs

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This page is a translated version of the page Translating:MediaWiki/Basic glossary and the translation is 6% complete.

Tato stránka obsahuje seznam nejběžnějších a základních technických termínů, které jsou nezbytné pro používání softwaru MediaWiki.

Seznam je navržen tak, aby byl snadno přeložitelný do všech jazyků, ve kterých mohou lidé používat MediaWiki. Nemá to být vyčerpávající glosář všech pojmů MediaWiki, ale pouze těch, které jsou nejnutnější pro všechny jazyky, a zejména pro zahájení adaptace MediaWiki na nový jazyk překladem Nejdůležitější zprávy (známé také jako "Nejpoužívanější").

Tento seznam by měl být přeložen do všech jazyků, včetně těch, ve kterých již MediaWiki má dobře zavedenou terminologii.

Zahrnuje jak termíny, které mají konkrétní význam v MediaWiki, jako je „kategorie“ a „šablona“, tak obecné počítačové termíny, jako „soubor“ a „nahrát“. Vysvětlení najdete na stránce "Další informace o tomto glosáři".

Tučný text se používá pro zdůraznění informací o slovech, která jsou často překládána nesprávně.

Vedle mnoha výrazů jsou zde ikony. Kliknutím na tyto ikony můžete získat další informace:

Odkaz na příslušný encyklopedický článek na anglické Wikipedii, který popisuje danou věc. Podívejte se na mezijazykové odkazy tohoto článku a najděte články v dalších jazycích, které možná znáte.
Odkaz na příslušnou stránku v anglickém Wikislovníku. Nezapomeňte si pozorně přečíst definice a vybrat tu, která se nejvíce blíží významu, který potřebujete. Mnoho slov v anglickém Wikislovníku má překlady do jiných jazyků. Chcete-li je zobrazit, přejděte dolů, najděte seznam „Překlady“, najděte seznam překladů ve smyslu, který vás zajímá, a najděte svůj jazyk. Pokud váš jazyk není uveden, zvažte přidání překladu do Wikislovníku.
Odkaz na příslušnou stránku technické dokumentace je na webu mediawiki.org.

Glosář je řazen abecedně podle anglického výrazu.


účet | angličtina: account account on Wikipedia account on Wiktionary
uživatelský účet; uložený záznam informací o uživateli na wiki, identifikovatelný pomocí uživatelského jména.
správce, administrátor | angličtina: administrator Wikipedia administrators on Wikipedia administrator on Wiktionary
user, který má více oprávnění než běžný uživatel. Nejčastěji to zahrnuje oprávnění blokování a odblokování uživatelů, upravovat chráněné stránky a mazání, obnovu, ochranu a odblokování stránek. V angličtině také známý jako „admin“ nebo „sysop“.
anonymní | angličtina: anonymous anonymous on Wikipedia anonymous on Wiktionary
Uživatel, který se nepřihlásil. Takový uživatel je identifikován pomocí IP adresy v historii, nedávných změn, záznamech atd.
atribuce | angličtina: attribution attribution on Wikipedia attribution on Wiktionary
Proces poskytování kreditu.


beta | angličtina: beta Beta test on Wikipedia beta version on Wiktionary Extension:BetaFeatures on mediawiki.org
Zkratka pro „beta funkce“.
beta funkce | angličtina: beta feature Beta test on Wikipedia beta version on Wiktionary Extension:BetaFeatures on mediawiki.org
A new function that is enabled on a wiki site for testing by users.
block | angličtina: block Block (Internet) on Wikipedia block on Wiktionary Help:Blocking users on mediawiki.org
Verb: Disable a user's ability to edit. Noun: An instance of blocking. Administrators of wiki sites block users if they publish spam or nonsense or disrupt the wiki in other ways.
bot | angličtina: bot Internet bot on Wikipedia bot on Wiktionary Manual:Bots on mediawiki.org
Short for "robot". A computer program that makes fast automatic edits to wiki pages.
browser | angličtina: browser Web browser on Wikipedia web browser on Wiktionary
Short for "web browser". A computer application that lets people read websites. Common web browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Samsung Internet, Opera, and Tor Browser.


cache | angličtina: cache Cache (computing) on Wikipedia cache on Wiktionary
A family of computer technologies that store data in a location that allows faster access. It usually improves performance, but sometimes it may cause outdated information to be shown to users. "Cleaning" or "purging" the cache forces new data to be shown, but may also cause a temporary performance slowdown.
cancel | angličtina: cancel cancel on Wiktionary
Verb: Stop an operation without saving the work that was done until now. This most often appears on buttons.
caption | angličtina: caption caption on Wikipedia caption on Wiktionary
A short text that explains an image, especially a thumbnail.
CAPTCHA | angličtina: CAPTCHA CAPTCHA on Wikipedia CAPTCHA on Wiktionary
A test that checks whether a user is a human or a bot, for example, by requiring the user to type deformed characters when creating an account or adding an external link. This is a technical term, and it doesn't have to be translated.
case-insensitive | angličtina: case-insensitive Case sensitivity on Wikipedia case-insensitive on Wiktionary
The opposite of case-sensitive: Not distinguishing uppercase and lowercase letters; treating "Cat" and "cat" as functionally the same string.
case-sensitive | angličtina: case-sensitive Case sensitivity on Wikipedia case-sensitive on Wiktionary
Distinguishing uppercase and lowercase letters; treating "Cat" and "cat" as different strings.
category | angličtina: category Categorization on Wikipedia category on Wiktionary Help:Categories on mediawiki.org
A group of related wiki pages. For example, the articles "Dog", "Mouse", and "Horse" can all belong to the category "Animals". This word is also used as the namespace prefix for category pages.
category page | angličtina: category page
A wiki page in the Category namespace. A part of its content is generated automatically by creating a list of pages that are tagged as belonging to this category. It can also have more text that explains the category. A category page can itself belong to other categories, in which case it's called a subcategory of these categories.
category talk | angličtina: category talk
Short for "category talk page". Used as the namespace prefix for category talk pages.
category talk page | angličtina: category talk page
A talk page associated with a category page.
change | angličtina: change change on Wiktionary
When talking about wiki pages, same as edit.
character | angličtina: character Character (computing) on Wikipedia character on Wiktionary
A letter (a, b, c, ا, ب, ت, э, ю, я, , , , , , ), a digit (1, 2, 3), a punctuation mark (., !, ?), an operator (+, -), etc.
client | angličtina: client Client (computing) on Wikipedia client on Wiktionary
A computer program that retrieves information from a server.
Commons | angličtina: Commons Commons on Wikipedia commons on Wiktionary
Short for "Wikimedia Commons". Not to be confused with Creative Commons.
content | angličtina: content content on Wiktionary
Everything that is shown on wiki pages and that users can edit: text, images, templates, etc.
contents | angličtina: contents Table of contents on Wikipedia contents on Wiktionary
Short for "table of contents".
content page | angličtina: content page content page on Wikipedia content page on Wiktionary
A wiki page in the main namespace of a wiki.
contribution | angličtina: contribution contribution on Wiktionary
Any action that a user does to change the content of a wiki: editing, rollbacking, translating, uploading files, etc. Different from donation.
cookie | angličtina: cookie HTTP cookie on Wikipedia HTTP cookie on Wiktionary
A small piece of information sent by a server to the browser and then returned by the browser each time it accesses that server. It is mostly used to identify the users and store information about them. Users usually don't deal with them directly, but they are mentioned in the interface because they may have privacy implications.
Creative Commons | angličtina: Creative Commons Creative Commons on Wikipedia Creative Commons on Wiktionary
An international network of organizations that write standardized licenses for free sharing of cultural works (text, images, video, etc.) and help people use these licenses. Most content on Wikimedia wikis is published under Creative Commons licenses.
credit | angličtina: credit Credit (creative arts) on Wikipedia credit on Wiktionary
An explicit acknowledgment of a source of text or media using the name of an author or an organization, a link to a website from which the information was copied, etc.
CSS | angličtina: CSS CSS on Wikipedia CSS on Wiktionary
A language for designing web pages. Short for "Cascading Style Sheets". This is a technical term, and it doesn't have to be translated.


delete | angličtina: delete File deletion on Wikipedia delete on Wiktionary
Verb: Remove a page from a wiki, done by an administrator. A deleted page can usually be restored.
desktop | angličtina: desktop Desktop computer on Wikipedia desktop on Wiktionary
Related to using a wiki in a browser on a desktop or a laptop computer, with a large screen and a physical keyboard. Different from mobile.
developer | angličtina: developer programmer on Wikipedia developer on Wiktionary
A programmer who develops the code that runs a wiki: MediaWiki, templates, modules, gadgets, bots, tools, etc.
diff | angličtina: diff diff on Wikipedia diff on Wiktionary
Short for the English word "difference". Refers to a comparison between two versions of a wiki page.
discussion | angličtina: discussion discussion on Wikipedia discussion on Wiktionary
Largely the same thing as talk, but this other word can be used in contexts that are more social and less technical.
donation | angličtina: donation donation on Wikipedia donation on Wiktionary
A gift of money or something else to the person or the organization that manages a wiki site. Different from contribution.
download | angličtina: download download on Wikipedia download on Wiktionary
Verb: Copy a file from a website to a local device. The opposite of upload.


edit | angličtina: edit editing on Wikipedia edit on Wiktionary
Verb: Change the content of a wiki page. Noun: Any action of editing a wiki page.
editor (user) | angličtina: editor (user) editor (user) on Wikipedia editor (user) on Wiktionary
A user who edits a wiki page.
editor (program) | angličtina: editor (program) editor (program) on Wikipedia editor (program) on Wiktionary
A feature of MediaWiki or another program that allows editing wiki pages. For example: Visual editor, 2010 wikitext editor, 2017 wikitext editor, Android app editor, etc.
edit summary | angličtina: edit summary edit summary on Wiktionary
A brief description of the changes the user has made in an edit.
export | angličtina: export Import and export of data on Wikipedia export on Wiktionary
Verb: Download the content of one or more wiki pages as a file that can be imported to another wiki.
external link | angličtina: external link
A link to a page on another website.


file | angličtina: file Computer file on Wikipedia file#Etymology 1 on Wiktionary
A piece of information stored on a computer storage device and identified by a name. In MediaWiki, files are usually images (JPG, PNG, SVG), audio clips (OGG), videos (WEBM), and documents (PDF, DjVu). This word is also used as the namespace prefix for file pages: If the filename is "Taj Mahal.jpg", the file page name is "File:Taj Mahal.jpg".
filename | angličtina: filename filename on Wikipedia filename on Wiktionary
The name of a file. Begins with a description of the file's content and ends with an extension (suffix) that identifies the file type. For example, ".jpg" is an extension for photograph files, and "Taj Mahal.jpg" is a good name for a file that includes a photograph of the Taj Mahal.
file page | angličtina: file page
A wiki page that displays a file and information about it: on which wiki pages this file is used, who uploaded it, the file's license, and so on.
file talk | angličtina: file talk
A talk page associated with a file page. If the filename is "Taj Mahal.jpg", the file talk page's title is "File talk:Taj Mahal.jpg".
free | angličtina: free Free-culture movement on Wikipedia free on Wiktionary
This doesn't mean "costing zero dollars". This refers to the freedom that the users have to read, copy, modify, and distribute the content of a wiki. It's a synonym of "liberated", "unconstrained", etc. See also Definition of Free Cultural Works.
free license | angličtina: free license free license on Wikipedia
A license that allows free use text or media. Note that the word for "free" here must be the same as in the term free.
fuzzy | angličtina: fuzzy
See outdated.


gadget | angličtina: gadget gadget on Wikipedia gadget on Wiktionary Extension:Gadgets on mediawiki.org
Gadgets are pieces of JavaScript code that editors can write on a wiki site to enhance the site's functionality. The gadgets' code is stored on wiki pages. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for gadget pages.
gadget page | angličtina: gadget page
A wiki page in the Gadget namespace. It stores the source code for a gadget.
gadget talk | angličtina: gadget talk
Short for "gadget talk page". This word is also used as the namespace prefix for gadget talk pages.
gadget talk page | angličtina: gadget talk page
A talk page associated with a gadget page.
gender | angličtina: gender Grammatical gender on Wikipedia gender on Wiktionary
When this word appears as {{GENDER:, it must not be translated. MediaWiki supports writing messages differently for users who defined that they should be described as "he", or "she", or didn't explicitly define it. See the page Gender.
global | angličtina: global global on Wikipedia global on Wiktionary
Pertaining to all the wikis in a wiki family. For example, a usual block on the Spanish Wikipedia disallows the user to edit pages only on the Spanish Wikipedia, but a global block disallows editing all the wikis: Wikipedia in all languages, Wikivoyage in all languages, etc.


help | angličtina: help Online help on Wikipedia help#Etymology 1 on Wiktionary
Technical documentation for using the wiki. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for help pages.
help page | angličtina: help page
A wiki page in the Help namespace.
help talk | angličtina: help talk
Short for "help talk page". Used as the namespace prefix for help talk pages.
help talk page | angličtina: help talk page
A talk page associated with a help page.
history | angličtina: history history on Wikipedia history on Wiktionary
Short for "page history" or "version history". A list of versions of a wiki page, showing the time, the user, the edit summary, and other information about each revision.
home | angličtina: home
Short for "home page".
home page | angličtina: home page home page on Wikipedia home page on Wiktionary
Same as main page, especially on the mobile site.


ID | angličtina: id id on Wikipedia id on Wiktionary
Short for "identifier". A number or a string that refers to something: a users, a page, a version, etc.
import | angličtina: import Import and export of data on Wikipedia import on Wiktionary
Verb: Add pages to a wiki from a file that was exported from another wiki, or directly from another wiki in the wiki family.
interlanguage link | angličtina: interlanguage link Interlanguage links on mediawiki.org
A link to a page about the same topic in a wiki in another language.
internal link | angličtina: internal link
A link to another page on the same wiki.
interwiki link | angličtina: interwiki link Manual:Interwiki on mediawiki.org
A link to a page on another wiki using specific syntax.
invalid | angličtina: invalid invalid on Wiktionary
Technically unacceptable. For example, a page title is invalid if it includes the character {, which is forbidden in titles.
invoke | angličtina: invoke Subroutine on Wikipedia invoke on Wiktionary
Verb: Call a module, run it, and insert the result of the call into a wiki page. A similar operation with templates is called transclusion.
IP address | angličtina: IP address IP address on Wikipedia IP address on Wiktionary
A number that identifies a computer in a network. In MediaWiki, IP addresses are used to attribute edits and other actions to anonymous users.
item | angličtina: item
On Wikidata, an entity that represents a thing in the world. It is identified by the letter Q followed by a unique number, and it may have labels in any language. Wikidata items have many uses, but their simplest and most common use is to connect Wikipedia articles in different languages in a way that allows the display of interlanguage links. See the Wikidata Glossary.


JavaScript | angličtina: JavaScript JavaScript on Wikipedia JavaScript on Wiktionary
A programming language. In MediaWiki, it's used for gadgets and parts of MediaWiki itself.
JSON | angličtina: JSON JSON on Wikipedia JSON on Wiktionary
A data file format. This is a technical term, and it doesn't have to be translated.


label | angličtina: label label on Wiktionary
A name of a Wikidata item in a human language. See the Wikidata Glossary.
legend | angličtina: legend Legend (chart) on Wikipedia legend on Wiktionary
A list of symbols, colors, or abbreviations that are used in a chart, table, etc.
link | angličtina: link hyperlink on Wikipedia link on Wiktionary
A piece of text or an image that the user can click to go to another web page.
license | angličtina: license license on Wikipedia license on Wiktionary
A legal document that specifies the terms of use for a text, an image, or a video, especially with regard to copyright law.
log | angličtina: log Logging (software) on Wikipedia log on Wiktionary Help:Log on mediawiki.org
An automatically generated list of actions of a certain type, showing when and by which user they were performed, as well as other details, according to the type of action. Examples of logged actions are account creation, page deletion, and user blocking.
log in | angličtina: log in Login on Wikipedia log in on Wiktionary
Verb: Identify oneself to the wiki site as the owner of an account. A user who has logged in is not anonymous, and that user's edits and actions are attributed to the username in the page history and in the logs.
log out | angličtina: log out Login on Wikipedia log out on Wiktionary
Verb: Disconnect from the account and become anonymous.


main | angličtina: main main on Wiktionary
When discussing namespaces: The namespace of a wiki, in which the content pages of a wiki are stored. Opposed to other namespaces, such as Talk, User, Category, Template, etc. Titles of pages in the main namespace don't have a prefix.
main page | angličtina: main page home page on Wikipedia front page on Wiktionary
A wiki page that is the first page shown to the visitors of a wiki site. May be called "home page" or "front page" in other publications.
media | angličtina: media Multimedia on Wikipedia media#Etymology_3 on Wiktionary
This doesn't mean "journalism" or "mass communication". This is short for "multimedia". It is also used as a virtual namespace prefix for linking to files.
MediaWiki | angličtina: MediaWiki MediaWiki on Wikipedia MediaWiki on Wiktionary
A software package for running wiki sites. Originally developed for Wikipedia, and also used on many other websites, most of which are not related to Wikipedia. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for pages for local customization of user interface messages.
MediaWiki talk | angličtina: MediaWiki talk
Short for "MediaWiki talk page". Used as the namespace prefix for MediaWiki talk pages.
MediaWiki talk page | angličtina: MediaWiki talk page
A talk page associated with a page in the MediaWiki namespace.
message | angličtina: message Messages on mediawiki.org
A string that appears in the user interface of a MediaWiki website. Messages can be translated on translatewiki. When needed, they can be customized locally in the MediaWiki namespace, and this will override the translation written on translatewiki.
MIME | angličtina: MIME MIME on Wikipedia MIME on Wiktionary
A technology for identifying file types on the Internet, for example "application/pdf", "image/png", etc. This is a technical term, and it doesn't have to be translated.
mobile | angličtina: mobile Mobile device on Wikipedia mobile on Wiktionary
Related to using a wiki on a mobile device, such as a phone or a tablet, with a small screen and no physical keyboard. Different from desktop.
module | angličtina: module Modular programming on Wikipedia module on Wiktionary Help:Templates on mediawiki.org
A piece of code that can be invoked from wiki pages and adds some text to these pages. Modules are similar to templates, but templates are written in wikitext and modules are written in the Lua programming language. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for module pages.
module page | angličtina: module page
A wiki page in the Module namespace. It stores the source code for a module and the module's usage documentation.
module talk | angličtina: module talk
Short for "module talk page". This word is also used as the namespace prefix for module talk pages.
module talk page | angličtina: module talk page
A talk page associated with a module page.
move | angličtina: move move (command) on Wikipedia move on Wiktionary
Verb: Rename a page or a file. Noun: An action of renaming a page or a file.
multimedia | angličtina: multimedia Multimedia on Wikipedia media#Etymology_3 on Wiktionary
This is a general name for various media files stored in a media repository. For example: image file, audio file, video file, etc. Often shortened to "media".


namespace | angličtina: namespace namespace on Wikipedia namespace on Wiktionary
Every page on a wiki belongs to a namespace. The main content pages of a wiki are said to belong to the main namespace, and their titles have no prefix. Because of this, "main" is often written in parentheses "(main)". Pages in other namespaces have a prefix, such as "Talk:", "User:", "Special:", etc.


outdated | angličtina: outdated outdated on Wiktionary
In translatewiki, an outdated translated message must be carefully reviewed and, in most cases, fixed by the translator. This condition is also known as "fuzzy". It appears with a yellow "outdated" mark in the translation interface. A message can become outdated for three reasons: 1. The source message was updated after it was translated; 2. It has technical mistakes, for example invalid link syntax; 3. Another translatewiki editor noticed a mistake in it and manually marked it as outdated.


page | angličtina: page page on Wikipedia page on Wiktionary
Any page on a MediaWiki site. Can be an editable wiki page or a special page.
parameter (templates) | angličtina: parameter (templates) parameter on Wikipedia parameter on Wiktionary
In templates, modules, and parser functions: values that are sent to the template or the modules to tell it with which data to work.
parameter (translatewiki) | angličtina: parameter (translatewiki) parameter on Wikipedia parameter on Wiktionary
When translating MediaWiki messages: pieces of messages that look like $1, $2, $3, and are replaced by something, such as numbers, usernames, or page titles. In translatable pages, the dollar sign can also be followed by words, e.g. $page. In some other projects, parameters can look differently, e.g. %d or %(page).
parser | angličtina: parser parser on Wikipedia parser on Wiktionary
A component of MediaWiki that reads wikitext and converts it to formatted text that is shown to readers.
parser function | angličtina: parser function Parser functions on mediawiki.org
A short wikitext function that can compute a value or make a simple decision based on data. Usually used in the wikitext of templates.
password | angličtina: password password on Wikipedia password on Wiktionary
A secret string that the user writes to identify while logging in.
permission | angličtina: permission permission on Wiktionary Manual:User rights on mediawiki.org
Same as right.
pixel | angličtina: pixel pixel on Wikipedia pixel on Wiktionary
A dot on a computer screen. Used for measuring size and resolution of images.
plural | angličtina: plural Grammatical number on Wikipedia plural on Wiktionary
When this word appears as {{PLURAL:, it must not be translated. MediaWiki supports writing messages according to different numbers. See the page Plural.
preferences | angličtina: preferences preferences on Wikipedia preference on Wiktionary
Every user's personal choices about how a wiki site works: how to show the preview, whether links should be underlined, which entries the watchlist shows and hides, etc.
prefix | angličtina: prefix Prefix (disambiguation) on Wikipedia prefix on Wiktionary
The first characters of a string. In MediaWiki, prefixes are most often used for namespace names (Category: in "Category:Cities in Japan") and interlanguage links (fr: in fr:Pain au chocolat).
preview | angličtina: preview Preview (computing) on Wikipedia preview on Wiktionary
Showing how the page will look before publishing it.
project | angličtina: project project on Wikipedia project on Wiktionary
In MediaWiki, this is used to describe a wiki and the community of people editing it. For example, the French Wikipedia, the Russian Wikisource, Wikidata, Commons, and translatewiki are projects.
project namespace | angličtina: project namespace
"Project" is one of the namespaces on all wikis. Pages in this namespace are used for several purposes, for example project policies, discussions among projects participants, lists of suggested tasks to work on, and so on. When pages in this namespace are displayed, this word is replaced with the project name. For example, in the English Wikipedia, the page "Project:About" is the same as "Wikipedia:About". Both titles can be used as links, but "Wikipedia:About" is displayed to readers.
project talk | angličtina: project talk
A project talk page is a talk page associated with a page in the project namespace. For example, if the project page title is "Wikipedia:About", the project talk page title is "Wikipedia talk:About".
protect | angličtina: protect protection on Wikipedia protect on Wiktionary Protection on mediawiki.org
Verb: Allow only some users to edit a page, done by an administrator.
protection | angličtina: protection protection on Wikipedia protection on Wiktionary Protection on mediawiki.org
The act of protecting a page.
proxy | angličtina: proxy Proxy server on Wikipedia proxy on Wiktionary
An intermediary computer that allows people to connect to the Internet through it.
publish | angličtina: publish publishing on Wikipedia publish on Wiktionary
Verb: Save a wiki page after creating or editing it and make it readable by everyone.


query | angličtina: query query on Wikipedia query on Wiktionary
A request for information that is sent by a user to a server. For example, a search string or a request for a list of pages that begin with certain letters. The software sending the query is also known as a "client".


raw | angličtina: raw raw on Wikipedia raw on Wiktionary
Adjective: In the most basic representation. For example, the raw watchlist is a list of pages on the watchlist in plain text.
recent changes | angličtina: recent changes Help:Recent changes on mediawiki.org
A special page at Special:RecentChanges, which shows all the recent edits that were made in a wiki.
redirect | angličtina: redirect redirect on Wikipedia redirect on Wiktionary
Verb: Automatically transfer the user from one page to another; Create a redirect page. Noun: Short for "redirect page".
redirect page | angličtina: redirect page redirect page on Wikipedia Help:Redirects on mediawiki.org
A page that immediately takes the user to another specified page when the user tries to access it.
remix | angličtina: remix remix on Wikipedia remix on Wiktionary
Verb: Copy content from somewhere (for example, a website), and modify it.
resolution | angličtina: resolution Image resolution on Wikipedia resolution on Wiktionary
The quality of an image, measured in pixel count.
restore | angličtina: restore
Verb: Bring a page that was deleted back into the wiki.
retrieve | angličtina: retrieve Information retrieval on Wikipedia retrieve on Wiktionary
Verb: Fetch information from a server.
revert | angličtina: revert
Verb: Change the page in a way that restores its content to an earlier revision.
revision | angličtina: revision revision on Wiktionary
Usually the same as version.
right | angličtina: right right on Wikipedia right on Wiktionary Manual:User rights on mediawiki.org
A permission to perform an action, such as editing, deleting, or protecting a page, to view certain special pages or logs, to block users, etc.
rollback | angličtina: rollback
Verb: Revert a page in one click. This action is usually available only to some users, for example administrators.


save | angličtina: save save on Wiktionary
Verb: Store information persistently, but not necessarily make it public. Saving something in a way that is readable to others is called publishing, and these words should be different. For example, a user's preferences are saved, but not published.
search | angličtina: search Search engine on Wikipedia search on Wiktionary
Verb: Look for information, usually by writing one or more words in the wiki's internal search engine. Noun: the action of searching, and its results (what was found).
section | angličtina: section Section (typography) on Wikipedia section on Wiktionary
A part of a wiki page that begins with a heading, and may include one or more paragraphs, and possibly sub-sections.
semi-protected | angličtina: semi-protected semi- on Wiktionary
Protected less strictly than the usual protection. Most often, fully protected pages can be edited only by administrators, and semi-protected pages can be edited by users who created their account a specific number of days ago or made a specific number of edits, but the actual configuration may be different on different wikis.
server | angličtina: server Server (computing) on Wikipedia server on Wiktionary
A computer that is connected to a network and that stores information that can be retrieved by users. The software users use to connect to a server is called a "client".
SITENAME | angličtina: SITENAME Help:Magic words on mediawiki.org
When this word appears as {{SITENAME}}, it must not be translated. This is automatically replaced with the name of the website. For example, on Wikipedia, "About {{SITENAME}}" is shown as "About Wikipedia".
source (content) | angličtina: source (content) source on Wikipedia source on Wiktionary
When discussing the content of wikis: The source of information on a wiki page or of a file. For example, a book or another website.
source (wikitext) | angličtina: source (wikitext) source code on Wikipedia source code on Wiktionary
In MediaWiki user interface: The representation of a wiki page in wikitext, especially as opposed to the page as it shown to readers, or for visual editing.
special | angličtina: special special on Wiktionary Help:Special page on mediawiki.org
Adjective: Used as the namespace prefix for special pages.
special page | angličtina: special page special page on Wiktionary Help:Special page on mediawiki.org
A page on a wiki that cannot be edited by users. Special pages provide various services, such as display of information about the wiki, Recent Changes, Watchlist, Statistics, and special administration and editing interfaces such as blocking, managing user rights, translation, etc. They are called "Special" because they are different from usual wiki pages. It's translated as "service (page)" in some languages.
string | angličtina: string String (computer science) on Wikipedia string on Wiktionary
A sequence of characters of any length. It is usually a word or a sentence, but in some cases it may be one character long or even empty (zero length).
strong | angličtina: strong
When it appears as <strong> or </strong>, it must not be translated. This is HTML code that makes the text bold.
subcategory | angličtina: subcategory categorization on Wikipedia subcategory on Wiktionary Help:Categories on mediawiki.org
A category within another category. For example, "Cities in Paraguay" is a subcategory of "Cities in South America".
summary | angličtina: summary summary on Wiktionary
Short for "edit summary".


table of contents | angličtina: table of contents table of contents on Wikipedia table of contents on Wiktionary
An automatically-generated list of section headings on a page. Usually appears near the top of the page.
talk | angličtina: talk Wikipedia:Talk page on Wikipedia talk page on Wiktionary
Short for "talk page". This word is also used as the namespace prefix for talk pages associated with content pages (wiki pages in the main namespace).
talk page | angličtina: talk page Wikipedia:Talk page on Wikipedia talk page on Wiktionary
A wiki page used for discussions between editors.
template | angličtina: template Web template system on Wikipedia template on Wiktionary Help:Templates on mediawiki.org
A piece of text or code that can be embedded ("transcluded") in other pages. Common examples of templates are infoboxes, formatted citations, maintenance notices at the top of an article, etc. Templates are similar to modules, but templates are written in wikitext and modules are written in the Lua programming language. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for template pages.
template page | angličtina: template page
A wiki page in the Template namespace. It stores the source code for a template and the template's usage documentation.
template talk | angličtina: template talk
Short for "template talk page". This word is also used as the namespace prefix for template talk pages.
template talk page | angličtina: template talk page
A talk page associated with a template page.
thumbnail | angličtina: thumbnail thumbnail on Wikipedia thumbnail on Wiktionary
A small image, used as a compact representation of a larger image. Usually shown with a frame with a caption under it. Clicking the thumbnail shows the full-size image.
title | angličtina: title Title (publishing) on Wikipedia title on Wiktionary
The name of a page.
transclusion | angličtina: transclusion transclusion on Wikipedia transclusion on Wiktionary transclusion on mediawiki.org
Inclusion or embedding of one wiki page into another. Most often, this is done with templates. A similar operation with modules is called invocation.


undo | angličtina: undo undo on Wikipedia undo on Wiktionary
While reviewing page version: To revert a page, but possibly make some more changes and write a manual edit summary. Different from rollback, which is done in one click and restores everything. While editing a page: To erase the last change done to the content, reverting it to an older state. This action is available in web browsers and in many text editing applications.
unprotect | angličtina: unprotect unprotect on Wiktionary
Verb: The opposite of protect: Remove the protection from a page and make it editable by all users.
unwatch | angličtina: unwatch unwatch on Wiktionary
Verb: The opposite of watch: Unwatching a page means removing it from the user's watchlist.
upload | angličtina: upload upload on Wikipedia upload on Wiktionary
Verb: Copy a file from a local device to a website. The opposite of download.
URL | angličtina: URL URL on Wikipedia URL on Wiktionary
A technical term for a web address, such as https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aruba. Short for "Uniform Resource Locator".
user | angličtina: user User (computing) on Wikipedia user on Wiktionary
Somebody who uses a wiki, usually reading the information on it, or editing (changing) it. This may refer to a human, and also to a computer program, usually a bot. The user may be anonymous or identified using an account. This word is also used as the namespace prefix for user pages.
username | angličtina: username username on Wikipedia username on Wiktionary
The name of a user account. It may be the real name of a person or a nickname.
user page | angličtina: user page Help:User page on mediawiki.org
A wiki page in the User namespace. If the username is "Alice", the user page's title is "User:Alice". Every user with an account has a user page, and can write things there, for example information about themselves or what they do on the wiki.
user talk | angličtina: user talk
Short for "user talk page". Used as the namespace prefix for user talk pages.
user talk page | angličtina: user talk page Help:Talk pages on mediawiki.org
A talk page associated with a user page. If the username is "Alice", the user talk page's title is "User talk:Alice". The user talk page is used for sending messages to a user. These messages are not private, and can be read by everyone who can read the wiki.


version | angličtina: version version on Wikipedia version on Wiktionary
The state of a wiki page's content after an edit. A wiki page that has just been created has one version. Every edit creates another version. A version has an author (user) and a time.
view | angličtina: view view on Wikipedia view on Wiktionary
Look at something, such as a page, a file, a table, etc. Often contrasted with edit: for example, regular users can only view protected pages, but administrators can edit them.
visual editing | angličtina: visual editing WYSIWYG on Wikipedia visual on Wiktionary Help:VisualEditor/User guide on mediawiki.org
Editing while seeing the page similarly to how it's rendered to users: with images, headings, etc., and without seeing wiki syntax. This is similar to using a word processor, like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or LibreOffice, and also known by the jargon term "WYSIWYG" ("what you see is what you get"). Compare with wikitext editing.


watch | angličtina: watch watch on Wikipedia watch on Wiktionary
Verb: Add a page it to the user's watchlist.
watchlist | angličtina: watchlist watchlist on Wikipedia watchlist on Wiktionary
A special page that shows recent changes in a list of pages that the user selected.
wiki | angličtina: wiki wiki on Wikipedia wiki on Wiktionary
A website that anyone can edit. A wiki contains many wiki pages. This is different from other websites, on which readers can read the content, but only a small group of people can edit it, or social networks on which users can write things about themselves and comment on other people's posts, but cannot change what other people write. When translating the word wiki by itself or as part of another name, its spelling can be changed, but it should still sound similarly to "wiki".
wiki page | angličtina: wiki page web page on Wikipedia
One web page on a wiki site.
wiki syntax | angličtina: wiki syntax Syntax (programming languages) on Wikipedia wiki syntax on Wiktionary
The syntax of wikitext.
wikitext | angličtina: wikitext wikitext on Wiktionary Help:Formatting on mediawiki.org
The source code of wiki pages, and the language for formatting them. The language includes things like [[]] for links, # for numbered lists, etc. Often contrasted with visual editing.
Wikibooks | angličtina: Wikibooks Wikibooks on Wikipedia Wikibooks on Wiktionary
The open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit. A wiki website on which people write long-form textbooks under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikibooks in many languages. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "books" can be translated to your language.
Wikidata | angličtina: Wikidata Wikidata on Wikipedia Wikidata on Wiktionary
The free knowledge base that anyone can edit. A wiki website on which people curate structured machine-readable data for the use of other wikis under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There is one Wikidata site, and it can include information in any language. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "data" can be translated to your language.
Wikinews | angličtina: Wikinews Wikinews on Wikipedia Wikinews on Wiktionary
The free news source you can write. A wiki website on which people write news articles under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikinews in many languages. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "news" can be translated to your language.
Wikimedia | angličtina: Wikimedia Wikimedia on Wikipedia Wikimedia on Wiktionary
The movement that operates Wikipedia and several other free knowledge wiki websites. Not to be confused with MediaWiki.
Wikimedia Commons | angličtina: Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia commons on Wiktionary
A collection of freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute. Media files that are stored on Wikimedia Commons can be used in any other Wikimedia wiki. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. This name is often shortened to "Commons" in English. The English word "commons" means "a public open area", and it can be translated. Into some languages, this name is translated as "wiki repository", "wiki sharing", etc. Not to be confused with Creative Commons.
Wikipedia | angličtina: Wikipedia Wikipedia on Wikipedia Wikipedia on Wiktionary
The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. A wiki website on which people write an encyclopedia under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikipedia in many languages. The spelling of this name can be adapted to your language, but it should still be recognizable as "Wikipedia".
Wikiquote | angličtina: Wikiquote Wikiquote on Wikipedia Wikiquote on Wiktionary
The free quote compendium that anyone can edit. A wiki website on which people maintain wiki pages with lists of quotes by famous people, from famous books or films, or about various topics. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikiquote in many languages. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "quote" can be translated to your language.
Wikisource | angličtina: Wikisource Wikisource on Wikipedia Wikisource on Wiktionary
The free library that anyone can improve. A wiki website on which people maintain wiki pages with books and documents that were published elsewhere, which can be copied under a free license, and which can be useful for reading or as source material for Wikipedia and other wikis. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikisource in many languages. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "source" can be adapted to your language. For example, it was translated as "wikilibrary" into Russian.
Wikivoyage | angličtina: Wikivoyage Wikivoyage on Wikipedia Wikivoyage on Wiktionary
The free worldwide travel guide that you can edit. A wiki website on which people write a travel guide under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wikivoyage in many languages. The "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "voyage" can be translated to your language.
Wiktionary | angličtina: Wiktionary Wiktionary on Wikipedia Wiktionary on Wiktionary
The free dictionary. A wiki website on which people write a dictionary with word definitions and translations under a free license. Managed by the Wikimedia Foundation. There are editions of Wiktionary in many languages. The name is based on the words "wiki" and "dictionary"; the "wiki" part should not be changed much, but the word "(dic)tionary" can be adapted to your language.