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Editors.delete nodetype sure (“This {0} node has {1} relations with other nodes. Are you sure you want to delete this node?”)

Message documentation needed.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)10:14, 18 September 2012

Support for this product is likely to be dropped by next weekend, as Lewis appears to have left.

Siebrand23:24, 2 October 2012

These are parameters {0} for example 'article' and {1} the number of relations an object has with others.

Elfuego (talk)10:25, 27 July 2013

Product still seems supported. I still do not know how to translate this message properly, which I do not fully understand. It is the only untranslated message in Open Images since almost 2 years now.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)19:14, 27 February 2015

What is meant by "node" and "nodes" in this message? In this message, there is the only occurrance of these terms in the entire project. A generic translation of "node", such as a node in a mesh or network, does not make sense here. It has to be more specific. or closer to the user experience, such as "topic", or "image group", etc., if a node represents something like these. Thank you!

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)09:37, 19 December 2011

A node is an object of a certain type.

Elfuego (talk)10:51, 27 July 2013

Translation still unclear.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)13:32, 27 February 2015

I found word 'financers'. It may be 'financiers'.

아라 (talk / 아라는 다 알아)05:55, 25 December 2013

Please provide context.

Nike (talk)19:54, 30 September 2013

What does {0} in Add {0}, Delete {0} and Edit {0} refer to? A common noun or proper noun? This is important for languages with accusative case like Esperanto.

Anakmalaysia (talk)13:11, 30 December 2012

These are parameters, like "Add article" or "Delete image" etc. We are aware these are difficult to handle in languages like Esperanto.

Elfuego (talk)10:24, 27 July 2013

In Register.i accept terms of use (“I hereby accept the {0}.”) what is the variable {{0}}? Under which message can we translate the text of {{0}}?

Lloffiwr (talk)10:03, 13 January 2013

Looks like this message should use PLURAL.

EugeneZelenko (talk)15:01, 28 November 2011

No, it refers to just _one_ node to be deleted.

Elfuego (talk)21:07, 21 December 2011

As far as I understood, parameter {0} relates to relations.

EugeneZelenko (talk)14:53, 22 December 2011

A node can have 0 or more relations.

Elfuego (talk)10:37, 27 July 2013

Indeed, hence the request to add plural support for the numeric paramter {0}.

Siebrand14:31, 30 July 2013

Is the message Login.you are (“You are now {0}”) followed by another message? If so, what, and could you consider making the following string a variable, so that languages which need to change the order of the strings can do so?

Lloffiwr18:55, 28 August 2011

Yep. Correct. Will fix that some day.


Elfuego15:02, 12 September 2011

Is fixed.

Elfuego (talk)10:38, 27 July 2013

Should not User.disallowed (“disallowed access”) read "access denied" - else if not, what is the difference meaningwise?

Purodha Blissenbach00:08, 24 April 2011

In what context does this message appear (do any other messages appear before it)?

Lloffiwr21:32, 27 August 2011

In the original source it came from it was 'disallowed'. We copied that.


Elfuego15:01, 12 September 2011

Does anyone know what is disallowed?

Lloffiwr22:14, 18 September 2011

Access to this page or section of a page is disallowed.

Elfuego (talk)13:09, 25 October 2011

I am still in the dark regarding the message context. Does "disallowed access" appear as a phrase on its own, or is it part of a longer sentence?

Lloffiwr (talk)08:39, 29 October 2011

Something indeed, but what?

Add {0}
Nike12:46, 3 June 2011

Add an image, article. For example:

 <fmt:message key="users.add_something">
   <fmt:param><mm:nodeinfo type="guitype" nodetype="$type" escape="lowercase" /></fmt:param>
Elfuego15:36, 14 June 2011

If {0} has a limited number of possible values, i18n will be better if the variable is left out, and the correct message is selected in the code.

So if at all possible, remove this message and replace it with multiple new messages, like:

  • Users.add_image: Add image
  • Users.add_image: Add article
  • ...
Siebrand09:53, 17 June 2011

Not possible, sorry. Types of nodes are configured elsewhere. They can be any kind of object.

Elfuego (talk)10:50, 27 July 2013

Why is it re-uploading instead of uploading?

Nike14:06, 29 June 2011

Because it is an option only shown if the file has been uploaded before (and this is used to upload a later revision).

Siebrand18:48, 17 July 2011

So it is primarily used for uploading a new revision and not the same file again?

Nike10:35, 18 July 2011

Can be both.

Elfuego (talk)10:48, 27 July 2013


Is Tag.add ("Add tag") a submit button? Is 'add tag' referring to a particular tag; that is could we translate as 'add the tag'?

Lloffiwr (talk)09:49, 13 January 2013

When you are logged in as a user of Open Images you'll see it as a link next to 'Tags', for example at this page: http://www.openbeelden.nl/media/640722/Liquid_Space_by_Daan_Roosegaarde

Elfuego (talk)10:46, 27 July 2013

Message User.nodestodelete (“There will be {0, choice, 0#no nodes deleted|1#one node deleted|1<{0} nodes deleted}”) looks to me like a fixed syntax to deal with PLURAL which is suited for many but not all languages. What exactly to keep and what to translate should better be documented.

Same with User.deleted (“Your account is now blocked and there are {0, choice, 0#no nodes deleted|1#one node deleted|1<{0} nodes deleted}”)

What exactly does "nodes" mean in this context? Should be documented.

Purodha Blissenbach00:37, 24 April 2011

Nodes are objects, for example articles, images, video, even relations.

Elfuego (talk)10:44, 27 July 2013

Media.order (“Order”)

This message needs documentation / context. "Order" like "sort order" or like "command to an inferior" or like an order in a restaurant, or from a supplier, etc.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)10:03, 18 September 2012

Support for this product is likely to be dropped by next weekend, as Lewis appears to have left.

Siebrand23:24, 2 October 2012

It is like order in a restaurant.

Elfuego (talk)10:30, 27 July 2013

Needs documentation.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)22:41, 15 November 2011

Textual description of a media item, it's body text.

Elfuego (talk)10:29, 27 July 2013

{0} is what?

Nike (talk)10:19, 9 December 2012

A type of node or object type, like for example 'article'.

Elfuego (talk)10:28, 27 July 2013

Message documentation needed:

  • Users.delete node sure (“This node has {0} relations with other nodes. Are you sure you want to delete this node?”)
  • Editors.delete nodetype sure (“This {0} node has {1} relations with other nodes. Are you sure you want to delete this node?”)
Purodha Blissenbach (talk)16:59, 7 April 2013

See other examples with parameters.

Elfuego (talk)10:27, 27 July 2013

What are the variables?

Túlio (talk)19:42, 23 May 2013

Parameter is a node type or type of object, see other issues for examples.

Elfuego (talk)10:27, 27 July 2013


What is the meaning of 'order' in Media.order (“Order”)? And what is the message function?

Lloffiwr (talk)12:52, 13 January 2013

Order as in purchase.

Siebrand13:51, 13 January 2013

In this message there isn't the verb: "This is a filter ..." I don't know where to report this.

Beta16 (talk)09:02, 15 March 2012
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