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Translating talk:FreeCol/LiquidThreads

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This message reads "Veersr" but should be "Veerse Meer", see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veerse_Meer

McDutchie (talk)14:45, 1 May 2023
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 11:17, 24 December 2022

Message Report.turn.playerNation ("Däm %player% sing / ier {{tag:country|%nation%}}") would need to have GENDER support.

Purodha Blissenbach22:55, 20 April 2011

Why? %player% is the name of the player and %nation% is the player's nation.

Nike05:24, 21 April 2011

Because %player% and %nation% have genders, and a Colognian genitive (%player%s) requires two words, one depending on the gender and the numerus of %player%, the other depending on the gender and the numerus of %player% plus the gender and the numerus of %nation%. Numerus can be assumed to be singular for either, that narrows possible choices down to 5 (unknown gender included)

Of course, one can always choose to use a wording for the "all genders unknown" case - not nice but functional.

Afaik, FreeCol does not support GENDER, thus it might be good to point to the places where supporting GENDER would make it better.

Purodha Blissenbach06:56, 21 April 2011

So why are you asking for plural if you want gender? We just barely got support for plural and inflection.

Nike12:33, 21 April 2011

OUCH! I am sorry - a typing error.

Corrected above.

Purodha Blissenbach13:08, 21 April 2011

You can define genders for %nation% but not for %player%.

Nike09:08, 24 April 2011

Grammatical Mistake

There are some grammatical mistakes in the displayed messages when informing about the people of concerned nations. For example with german settings the following message “Eure Exzellenz, die Französisch haben Frieden mit uns!” or “Warten auf: Französisch” is displayed. But the correct grammatical form would be “Eure Exzellenz, die Franzosen haben Frieden mit uns!” and “Warten auf: Franzosen”. We figured out that it works correctly if we replace the term “%nation%” with the term "\{\{tag:people|%nation%\}\}" and the terms “model.nation.apache.name=Apachen” (and similar ones) with "model.nation.apache.name={{Tag:|country={{{country}}}|people=Apachen|default=Apachen}}". Although we cite examples from the german version, we noticed that this fix works for all languages. We would like to carry out the necessary changes in the message files for all languages. We kindly ask you to give a look at the problem and give us your opinion on the solution.

Fares.M (talk)15:07, 23 November 2013

The normal way is to update qqq of all the involved messages so that the translators are aware of how to translate them.

Nemo (talk)12:25, 1 November 2016

The problems with the German strings have been fixed. I have also updated the FreeCol wiki page to improve the explanation for the tag syntax. The overall problem still remains, tho. A general bug report has been filed here: https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/bugs/3303/

Wuzzy (talk)05:48, 11 September 2022

Freecol is smart enogh to allow each language to define themselves the "tags" they need to additional distinctions (e.g. tags like "people", "nation", "adjective"...), so nothenig really prohibit adding other grammatiacl distinctions (more than jsut those supported by "plural" rules, includnig the possibility to add tags for derived terms depending of grammatical gender, grammatical case, or how to prefix a definite or indefinite article, with possible elision or gluing as affixes).

Verdy p (talk)13:32, 11 September 2022

"Founding father recruitment ages" What is the meaning of "recruitment ages"? I suppose it means that certain founding father is available for recruitment only during certain period of time. Is it correct?

SergeyButkov (talk)18:18, 3 August 2016

Your guess sounds plausible. I do wonder why is it not called "years" instead of "ages" then.

Nike (talk)05:52, 4 August 2016

After doing some digging in the code, I found out that the concept of ages primarily has to do with a method for FreeCol's AI to select which founding Fathers to displays as options for the player to pick.

The ages are roughly from game start (normally 1492) to the year 1599, a second from 1600-1699, and the final of the three starts at 1700.

The decision to call them ages probably, and I am speculating, just simply to denote these longer periods of times (at least a century) with one simple word.

Calebrw (talk)04:16, 22 October 2016

This seems no longer relevant as the string is no longer present, apparently.

Wuzzy (talk)05:51, 11 September 2022

You may also translate "ages" as "epochs", or "centuries"; these are not related to the age of possible recruitment of these fathers, as if these were individual conditions for each of them, as they could equally be (for their epochs) quite young (~14 years old) or already quite old (more than 40 y.o.): remember that the average life expectancy of humans was shorter (except for some favorized families among the nobilities and rulers), and many young people could be emancipated very soon (especially if they were poor and had no properties or titles to inherit, and frequently married and themselves had children before reaching their 20's. Armies and fleets were also recruiting very soon in the campaigns, and many abandonned children were living in the street of cities, without any parent to take care of them, if they were not forcibly enrolled in armies or the churches, or sold by their poor parents.

Verdy p (talk)13:27, 11 September 2022
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 05:50, 11 September 2022

Typo: "out units" should be "our units".

McDutchie (talk)21:10, 15 August 2018

This needs clarification. What is the meaning of "party" here?

McDutchie (talk)22:30, 27 January 2018

This is a reference to the Boston Tea ‘Party’. But can occur with any FreeCol GoodsType, rather than Tea.

When the monarch raises taxes and the colonists refuse to pay, they protest by dumping some goods. It is an odd feature, intended to simulate the Boston Tea Party, however as FreeCol does not have tea, but allows dumping of all movable goods types, we tend to call it a Goods Party. Following a Goods Party, the colony where the goods was dumped gets a time-limited bonus to its production of liberty. The added string is needed to display this bonus in the list of production modifiers.

Wuzzy (talk)05:32, 11 September 2022

Hello, what does this adjective refer to? I'm fairly new in TW, so I might have missed some resources.

Vega (talk)01:11, 3 December 2020

TAG and PLURAL simultaneously

Is there any way to use plural and noun declension for the same word (for example unit name)? I added some cases and other grammatical forms for nations (FreeCol:Model.nation.english.name/ru) and etc, but I don't know how I may combine {{plural:...}} with {{tag:...}}.

Arex (talk)10:54, 7 June 2013

I would like to know as well if it is possible to nest them. Btw your translation is missing a }.

Nike (talk)09:21, 9 June 2013

If will you know how to do that, please write about it. Thx for indication of the mistake.

Arex (talk)09:00, 10 June 2013

Who to ask then?

Nemo (talk)23:07, 17 November 2013

Still lacks qqq

Nemo (talk)12:24, 1 November 2016

Need context.

Siebrand12:25, 24 March 2014

This can be closed.

Calebrw (talk)05:04, 22 October 2016

|default=Veteran Dragoons or |default=Veteran Dragoon? (Note: Plural.)

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 13:14, 2 September 2013

This has since been fixed and nay be closed.

Calebrw (talk)04:23, 22 October 2016

Context needed.

Siebrand17:41, 30 July 2013

The command tells FreeCol to no longer display messages to the user about a given trade route. Please note that this string has been renamed tradeRouteInputPanel.silence.

Calebrw (talk)04:22, 22 October 2016

Documentation needed.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)22:40, 5 May 2015

This is the keyboard shortcut for renaming a FreeCol object, such as a unit or settlement.

Calebrw (talk)04:21, 22 October 2016

Is this a description or command?

Anakmalaysia (talk)14:02, 26 October 2014

In this narrow context, this is used as a descriptive noun to signify FreeCol units can can perform the pillage (verb) action.

Calebrw (talk)04:04, 22 October 2016

Documentation needed. May used either a noun or a verb...

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)04:16, 24 October 2014

In this narrow context, this is used as a descriptive noun to signify FreeCol units can can perform the bombard (verb) action.

Calebrw (talk)04:04, 22 October 2016

What should be the difference between FreeCol:Load/cs and FreeCol:Fill/cs? Is the first one for save files (like save) and the second one for units (like unload), say load into a ship?

Utar (talk)21:00, 5 February 2014

In the FreeCol context, Load is almost certainly in reference to either a save game or map loading action or loading goods or units onto a carrier (ship, wagon train, etc.) Fill is almost certainly going to be referred to something to with the user interface, for instance filling in some polygon with a solid color. I am not sure if fill is being used anywhere specific.

Calebrw (talk)04:02, 22 October 2016

Context needed.

Siebrand09:43, 20 December 2013

Looks like this tag is no longer being used.

Calebrw (talk)03:58, 22 October 2016

Need context.

Siebrand12:26, 24 March 2014

See the Wikipedia article on Pall for more information on this topic.

Calebrw (talk)03:56, 22 October 2016

Need context.

Siebrand12:26, 24 March 2014

See the Wikipedia article on Bend for more information on this topic.

Calebrw (talk)03:55, 22 October 2016

Need context.

Siebrand12:26, 24 March 2014

See the Wikipedia article on Bend and Sinister for more information on this topic.

Calebrw (talk)03:54, 22 October 2016

Need context.

Siebrand12:25, 24 March 2014

Based on Flag.java, this is supposed to refer to horizontal stripes. I am not familiar with this usage of the word fesses personally, but according to the information cited below, it may also be used on the coat of arms.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Definition of fess 1: a broad horizontal bar across the middle of a heraldic field 2: the center point of an armorial escutcheon

You can subsequently find more about a fess on Wikipedia.

Calebrw (talk)03:52, 22 October 2016
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